Chapter 1

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Ranboo awoke to the sound of his mother yelling his name from downstairs. They groaned, rubbing their eyes with the heels of their hands and getting out of bed.

He probably should've been used to waking up early every morning to work at the city's blacksmith. Well, he didn't necessarily work there- it was more of an apprenticeship. Afterall, they didn't actually get paid.

They dragged themself over to their wardrobe, changing into a ruffled white shirt and regular black pants, both of which had oil stains all over them.

He passed his mother on his way out the door, and she stopped them with her hand.

"Be safe, alright?"

They nodded, not knowing exactly what had prompted her to say that. The city was safe, heck, it was the safest place ever!

He shook it off as he walked down the path to the blacksmith's, hoping his shift would go by quickly. He didn't exactly like the apprenticeship, and would gladly switch to anything else, but his parents had expectations for him, and those expectations would not be let down just because Ranboo wanted to do something else.

"Ran, how's it going man?" Leo patted Ranboo's shoulder, the latter offering a small smile.

"Hey, Leo."

"Bro, did you hear the news?"

"What news?"

Leo quickly glanced around the building, but the two of them were the only people there. Still, he hushed his voice. "Turns out we're not the only ones."

Ranboo raised an eyebrow. "Yeah, there's other cities-"

"No, Ran, that's not what I mean. Have you ever thought about how we live above literal clouds?" They pursed their lips for a moment before nodding. "You didn't hear this from me, but there are people below them. Turns out that they're somewhat more advanced than we are, with smartphones- whatever those are. Mayor found out about it all and is trying to keep it hush hush, but he's not doing too good of a job at it. I doubt it'll be long before everyone in the city finds out."

Ranboo's eyes widened, as though the information had just dawned on him. There were people that lived below the clouds? Other humans?

"Leo, how-"

"It beats me, man." The boy turned around, taking to wiping his hands vigorously on a towel already full of oil stains.

Ranboo stood there for a long moment, his mind running a million miles an hour. It all made no sense to him- How were they just now finding out about all of this? What was going to happen if other people found out, if the information spread even further? Would the whole city break out into mayhem? What was he going to do about it all? Would he tell other people in hopes to warn them, or would he keep the news to himself? Did their mother know, and was that why she had told them to stay safe this morning?

These questions continued to haunt them as they did their work, mending an array of metal contraptions. When his shift officially ended, he said a quick goodbye to Leo before rushing out of the building, running down the path towards his house.

"Mom? Dad?" He yelled, slamming the door shut behind himself.

"What's wrong, Ranboo?" Their father came wandering down the hallway.

"I-" His voice caught in his throat. Should he tell them? Did they already know? "I need to tell you guys something."

"Well, get on with it, then." Their father sat down on his leather recliner while their mother came and stood next to him.

"Leo told me something this morning... Is it true? Are there really other humans living below us?"

His mother sighed, starting to try to steer the conversation away, but his father set a hand on hers, shaking his head.

"The mayor found out about it in the early hours of the morning. The news has been spreading relatively slower than we all expected, but it's a matter of time before a whole fire bursts out."

"Not a literal fire, I hope."

He had only heard about an actual fire happening one time, never actually witnessed one with his own eyes. Someone had tried to make something out of wood for their child and, because the cities were so close to the sun, it burned within a matter of hours. He felt bad for the kid, who probably didn't even get to use whatever was made for them.

"Of course not, Ranboo. If there was an actual fire, well, let's just say that we'd all be screwed."

They couldn't help but chuckle at that, but neither one of their parents seemed to find the statement funny. He instead disrupted his laughter with a loud cough. Real smooth, Ranboo, they thought.

Their family's conversation was interrupted by a loud knocking on the front door, and his father stood up, ushering Ranboo out of the way before twisting the door knob.

"Marcus? What's happening?" His father asked, staring at the middle aged man that stood on the path.

"I'm afraid we're no longer at peace, Bruce."


Hey all! As I promised (well not really promised but you get the point) this chapter is now up! I was working on it in a call with Onion, who was very helpful with getting me past the time I was stuck on a paragraph. In short, I love my platonic husband <3

Also I left you guys on a cliffhanger, suck it 🤪


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