In Another Universe

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Tom made his way out. He knew that I needed to explain myself. I wished I knew how to explain myself, but I was clearly at a loss of words. I had to figure out the perfect words. I had to somehow explain my classmates what just happened. But how? How could I possibly explain the kiss I needed to process myself to my class? How?

"Claire..." Ruby said as she came closer. "What just happened?"

"I'm still trying to figure that out myself." I said as I looked at everyone staring at me.

After a minute, maybe more, Tracy spoke "Claire?"

"Yeah. I know. I know, okay? I just- I don't know how I can possibly explain it."


As everyone started to clear out, I walked up to Vincent. "Hey, thanks."

"People giving judgmental looks are just the worst." He spoke.

"I honestly hate those. Why did you help me?"

"You needed it." He sighed. "I'm sorry for doubting you. I should have learned my lesson the last time I accused you of capping."

"But clearly you didn't."

"Right. Well, I guessed, I kind of hoped that I'd have a chance with you."


"Well 5 years ago when you told me you had a crush on me, I told you that I wasn't ready for any relationship..." he continued "But I failed to mention that I had the biggest crush on you. I just- I didn't exactly know how to tell you that after I rejected you. Whether you still liked me or-"

"Trust me, I'd be more than happy if you had just told me. The last 5 years weren't the best for me."


And so, I told him everything. Everything I went through with Josie, with Harrison, with everyone. How my aunt died, I told him everything. Vincent wasn't ready to process any of this. But then again, who would be?

"That was-" he continued hoping he'd know what to say. "Interesting..."

"You can say that again." I sighed. It was quite obvious that Vincent would be shocked and that he wouldn't know what to say but I couldn't exactly- well I can't really blame him, can I? If someone trauma dumped on me, I probably wouldn't know what to say either in that very second. How could I possibly have consoled someone? I honestly have no idea.

"I'm really so sorry you had to go through all of that. What Jo did was horrible. And Harrison- well I mean that was a fling, right?"

"It was a fling. And we flung." I replied. "But what Josie did was fucked up. I low-key thought I could trust her but who can you actually trust in this cruel ass world? Right?" I sighed. "I don't know what to do because, yes, I have Tom and Harry, but I don't have a best friend anymore. I don't have someone I can rant to. Someone I can take weird pictures with." I didn't know what to do because yes, even though Josie was the worst friend ever she brought me a sense of warmth only she could bring to me. Because even though I may say 'I wish I never met you' the real truth is I'm glad I did meet her because she was there for me when no one else was. During my parent's divorce, during everything. She Was There. But if I'm being honest, there's no point dwelling on the past because all it does is make me sad and being sad ruins my mental health and I, I don't need that right now.

"I guess that's fair and understandable." He said in a soft tone. "I am so sorry for everything you must have gone through once again." Vincent said.

Tears rolled down my cheek, I knew nothing but sadness at that exact moment. I didn't know what to do, who to talk to because even if I got a therapist, I'd be lying to her. Sometimes I wished I could become a whole new person or redo my life, but I can't.

I can't stop dreamin', and thinkin'
Maybe I could be someone different
More than a yearbook memory

Leavin' others I'm risking

Almost everything

Am I on the right road

"It's honestly fine. I've dealt with worse in my life." I checked the time and sighed. "It was nice meeting you, Vince. But maybe in another life? Or maybe if you told me about this back in Paris?"

"Maybe in another universe." Vincent said with a sad smile. 

It'll All End In Tears - TOM HOLLANDTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang