Fatal Tickles Part 2

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"Wow, I can't believe you agreed to join my organization!" Kokichi said, eyes sparkling. 

Shuichi stood in front of him in DICE headquarters, wearing an all-white uniform. All he needed was a checkered scarf. Kokichi held one in his hands and tied it around his friend's neck. "There you go! You look amazing!"

 "I... do?" Shuichi said. He didn't believe he looked any more amazing than any other DICE member. But if Kokichi said so... Kokichi kissed him on the cheek. "Yeah. Now come on, Shuichi, you're going to miss the fun!" Shuichi followed him, a bit flustered. 

He knew it was a standard greeting for DICE, but with the way Kokichi had flirted with him in the past, he suspected something more.Kokichi pulled Shuichi along to the movie den. There everyone was gathered in the dark room that was set up like a theatre. A projector showed a movie on a white wall. The title of the movie was "DICE antics from the previous year." They'd visited Italy, China, France, and India. 

It wasn't so much of a movie as it was clips of the group entertaining the locals. Juggling, unicycling, magic, acrobatics were some of the things they did. Then came the practical jokes! Locals everywhere took it with good humor, for the most part. 

 Shuichi was surprised that a lot of the pranks were played by DICE on themselves! One such clip had Kokichi step out of his shoe in India, and before he could go back for it, a tall, male prankster held his foot and tickled him! When he heard his laugh, Shuichi was astonished. This cute laugh belonged to the "Ultimate Supreme Leader"? The movie kept on playing, switching to other events, but his mind kept flashing back to Kokichi's sweet and innocent laughter. 

His voice still had his adolescent tone, but it seemed more childlike in nature. Finally, Shuichi decided that he was going to make Kokichi laugh like that again. He waited until the movie was over and the lights came back on. Kokichi looked to him and smiled. He wrapped his arms around the boy. Kokichi made a satisfied 'hmmm' sound. 

 "Hey, Kokich, that was a good movie. I never knew you had such a good sense of humor..." 

 "Can't believe someone as evil as me could selflessly entertain the locals...?" 

Shuichi stroked his hair, relishing more satisfied sounds from the boy. 

 "No... I just can't believe the Ultimate Supreme Leader was so ticklish!" Kokichi immediately realized his position, and stiffened. Shuichi scribbled his fingers along his sides.

 "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!! SHUIHIHIHIHIHIHIICHIIII!" He squirmed in his arms. Once he realized there was no escape, Kokichi decided to turn the tables. Even though he was small, he was quick, and when he decided to attack, people got startled and backed off. Kokichi jumped on him and skittered his fingers along the boy's ribs.


 "AHA! Looks like you're also ticklish! Nee-hee-hee!" Kokichi managed to hold his own for a while; Shuichi had never seen it coming. He may have even won had a female DICE member in pigtails not decided to tickle his neck at that moment. "AHHHH! HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEEE!" The tables were quickly turned, as Shuichi now had the upper hand.


 "Sorry, Kokichi, but it looks like your friends and I had the same idea!" 

 "NO! AHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAHHAHAHHAHAAHAHAHAHHAAAA!" Shuichi decided to give him a small break. The boy panted heavily. Finally, he looked at him indignantly. "Why....? ... *gasp* *pant* ... Why me...?" Shuichi looked at his pouting face, and decided to tease him a little. 

 "You know why." 

He squeezed his underarm, making him flinch and grin. But Kokichi was not one easily defeated. He wanted to make Shuichi admit it. "Maybe I'm a little dumb...? Can you spell it out for me?"

 Shuichi felt a blush on his cheeks. Could he do it in a room full of people...? "Y-you're..." The blush got more intense. Dang, he was good. He whispered into his ear.,

 "You're the cutest."

 Kokichi smiled big. "I AM?!" His happy tone made Shuichi's heart flutter. He kissed him on the cheek. 

"Yeah... you are..." The whole room clapped for them. After they were finished, Kokichi spoke.

 "Wow... I never knew you liked me like that! ... Nee-hee-hee! Kidding! It was so obvious~!" Shuichi grew more flustered. "It was?!" Kokichi giggled. "Yeah! You were always so desperate for me. How could I NOT notice?" Thinking back, Shuichi realized he never actually said he liked Kokichi like that, and the boy just made him admit it.

 "Hey, wait a second!""Nee-hee-hee! What is it?" Kokichi said with a faux-innocent smile. Shuichi pounced on him once more. "You little sneak! You made me admit I liked you! You're going to get it for that!" Kokichi started giggling before he even touched him."Nee-hee-hee-hee! AhahahaHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!" Shuichi searched for every ticklish area on his body and found a lot. His 'laughter jackpots' seemed to be his underarms, belly button, and under the knees.

 "AHAHAAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAA! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAAA! HAHAHAAHAHAHAHAAHAAHA! WAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHahahahahaaahaa..." Finally when he was satisfied, he settled down. Kokichi was flushed and exhausted. 

 "There!" Shuichi said, smiling as the boy's laughter finally died down. "Your friends know my secret, and I know every weak spot on your body; now we're even!" It took a few minutes, but Kokichi's breathing returned back to normal, and his breathing no longer had giggles in between. 

 "No..." Kokichi said very seriously. He came closer to Shuichi, making his intentions known, and slowly kissed him on the lips. Pulling away, he whispered into his ear. "Now we're even." 

 Shuichi was redder than a tomato. The whole room 'Oooooooooo'd and cheered. That was when Shuichi realized Kokichi always got the last laugh. But he was surprisingly okay with that.

 Maybe now they'd finally start up a relationship and be happy together.         


@ Kites-life-insurance-fics

@ Kites_life_insurance

@ Kites_life_insurance

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