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I'm on a plane, about to land back in Virginia. Damon actually let me leave his sight. I've only been gone for 2 weeks, but it was a good 2 weeks. Zero drama. Zero Elena. Klaus. Overprotective big brothers and best of all, zero spankings. It's been heaven!

Damon picks me up from the airport, without Elena in tow. I'm surprised, yet happy with that fact.
"Welcome back, piccolo." He greets me, opening his arms for a hug. I oblige. I've missed the big oaf.
"Will I be happy to be back?" I question, not having any idea of what's been going on whilst I've been away.

I made it a point to not have any conversations regarding Mystic Falls, or it's cohabitants. I wanted and needed a clean break, just for a while. The only person I have spoken to, is Damon. Well, I have attempted to call and text Elijah, but I've had no reply.

On the drive home, Damon fills me in on everything. Klaus killing Mikael and freeing Stefan. Stefan stealing his coffins, Bonnie reuniting with her mum and that there is an actual murderer in Mystic Falls and it's not a vampire. It seems a lot has happened and I'm just glad I wasn't here.

Entering the boarding house, I see Stefan lounging on one of the sofas. He looks at me as I walk passed him, yet doesn't say anything. I notice that he has changed. He looks less cocky and smug. Kinda just looks angry now. I pay it no more mind, grabbing my things and taking them to my room.

I'm only in the house for less than 20 minutes, when I hear both my brothers arguing.
"I'm not going, Damon." Stefan is saying as I return back downstairs.
"Yes. You are." Damon says, using a no-nonsense tone.

"What's going on?" I ask, cutting through the tension.
"We're going to Klaus'. ALL of us. So get ready," Damon informs me.
"Like hell I'm going to his place." I huff as I flop on to the sofa next to Stefan. "I'd rather shit in my hands and clap. You go. I'll wait here." Damon vamps in front of, his eyes piercing in to my soul.

"I see spending 2 weeks with Maria has made you lose your god-damned mind!" Damon says, his voice getting higher throughout the sentence as he steps closer to me. "You get 1 free pass. Cuss again and watch what happens." I take a dramatic big breath but hold my tongue.
"You have both got 15 minutes to get ready and get your asses in my car. I'll be waiting." He says as he walks away, leaving no room for arguments.

Stefan and I share a glance at each other.
"After you..." I dip my head to the side, indicating that he should move first. He shakes his head but makes to leave. I begrudgingly follow behind him.

Damon is waiting in his car, just like he had said. Stefan gets shotgun and I jump in the back. It's a silent, moody drive as no one is saying a thing. We arrive at Klaus' not so humble abode and I am still fuming that they're making me come.

Damon knocks on the door, and to my surprise, Elijah's opens it. I try to mask the hurt that spreads throughout my heart at seeing him, caused by the fact that he just disappeared without so much as a goodbye. I turn my attention to the floor and that's where I leave it for the time being.

As we enter a room, the first thing I notice is the lighting from the fire makes the room look all cosy. The second is the 3 scantily dressed women, spread in a row, standing across the room. Then I notice him. Klaus. Smirking and looking like he is having the time of his life. I berate myself for thinking how fine he looks.

"Damon. Stefan. And the lovely Sophia. Elijah tells me you seek an audience. Very bold." He doesn't even try to hide his grin as he speaks.
"Let's discuss the terms of our agreement like civilised human beings, shall we?" Opening his arm, he gestures for us to take a seat at the prepared table. I didn't know we was coming here to dine?

The last thing I wanna do now is sit around the table with this lot, eat food and act all nicey nicey. I'll probably vom!
"It's better to indulge him," Elijah says, stepping past us.

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