Drink, Drugs and Snapped Neck!

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Hey guys! Sorry I've been MIA for a while, but here's chapter 10 for you. I hope you enjoy it?! ❤


Stefan and Elena have gone to her parents lake house, and Damon is hosting a dinner party that I have to attend. You would think I have nothing better to do than sit around a table with that Elijah dude, John Gilbert, Ric, Jenna, Damon and Andie - Damon's latest conquest - listening to them all chat shit!

"What's going on?" I ask as I walk in on Damon and Ric, both of them talking in hushed tones.
"None of your business," Damon says, pointing towards the kitchen. "Go and check on dinner."
"No way! Who do you think I am?" I question him, falling into the nearest chair.
"I think you're a little brat who is about to get an ass whooping if she doesn't do as she is told!" He retorts.
"Oh my God!" I exclaim, getting out of the chair and stomping towards the kitchen. "Why do you always have to play the spanking card?"
"Just go. Now." He commands, ending the conversation.

The doorbell rings as soon as I step into the kitchen.
"I'LL GET IT..." I yell as I run to the front door. I'd do anything to escape chef duties, even play butler.

John Gilbert's smug face is smiling at me as I open the door.
"Oh, its you." I take a step back, away from the door, to give him extra room to enter the house.
"It's good to see you too, Sophia." God I hate this dude!
"Yeah, whatever! The girls are in there." I gesture to the living-room where Jenna and Andie are conversing. I would've sent him to the study, to Damon and Ric, but I'm sure they hate him as much as I do.

I sneak off to my room, rather than going to Damon and having more duties put on my plate. Putting Deadmau5 - Gerard way, on half volume, I fix my makeup before having a dance around my bed.

Hearing a knock on my door, I turn the music down until it is just background noise.
"Who is it?" I ask the closed door. I already know it isn't Damon, as he wouldn't have knocked!
"It's me," Ric says, opening it and walking in.
"Hey! What's up?" I ask him.
"Damon wants you to come downstairs." He tells me.
"Does he now? Well, tell him I'll be down in a bit," I say whilst turning my back on him.
"Sophia, he wants you to come down, now!" His voice taking on a tone of authority.
"Yeah, no. Tell him to suck on my big toe! I will be down when I am good and ready, got it?" I reply, turning my music up louder than it was, and taking a seat at my dressing table, applying yet another layer of lip gloss.

Ric wastes no time in walking over to me and lifting me right out of my chair. Damn he's strong for a human.
"What-what are you doing?" I ask, confused and insulted by his intrusion of my personal space.
"I'm saving you from getting in to trouble with your brother!" He states, carrying me to the top of the stairs before dropping me to my feet.
"Awww. My knight in shining armour..." I laugh at my joke. "You know, I'm not really bothered as I am sure I will get in to trouble at some point this evening - I might as well start now." I once again laugh.
"Just get down the stairs before I spank you myself!" He threatens in a joking tone.
"Sir, yes sir!" I salute him and give him a wink with a smirk before stomping down the stairs.
"Sophia Salvatore, at your service." I announce with a courtesy, as I walk in to the living-room.

Damon gives me a 'don't take the piss' look whilst everyone else sports an amused one.
"Soph..." Damon is cut off by the door bell.
"I'll get it..." I have a feeling of déjà vu as I escape Damon's glare.

Opening the door, the first thing I notice is the suit.
"Ah, Elijah!"
"Good evening, Sophia! Is your brother home?" Wow, he is such a stiff!
"Yep. He's through there," I say, pointing my thumb like a hitchhiker, motioning to where everyone is gathered.
"Thank you!" He says as he walks passed me.
"Um, you're welcome!" I close the door behind him.

Sophia Salvatore. The Vampire Diaries spanking FicWhere stories live. Discover now