Bus Seats and Criminology

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I wake up to Kalandi throwing little of pieces of paper. "YOU'RE UP!" she yells. "I AM" I yell back. "What time is it?" I ask yawning. "About 9:30" She says checking her phone. "Oh ok." I sit up stretching and trying to become uncramped from sleeping on two uncomfortable bus seats. 

"We hit really bad traffic, so we aren't as far as we are supposed to be." Right as she says that Professor W stands up in the front of the bus and starts talking, "We aren't as far as we are supposed to be, so it should be about another 2 hours till we reach the Naval Academy without that bad of traffic." People start groaning hearing we have to be in the bus more. "But," cutting the groans off "we are still expected to be on schedule when we reach the Naval Academy, so let's run through what we are going to do." 

He starts calling out each group and the group says what they are supposed to do. When he reaches my group they all look at me, "We are supposed to go and meet up with the Naval Academy representative and they will tell us what to do with the bus. Then half of us will go and tell you guys and the other half will follow the representative to where we are staying." "Good job." He moves on to the next group. I turn my head to see Kalandi giving me a thumbs up, I give her the thumbs up back and turn to my computer where I still have half of my paper to write. I decide that 2 hours should be a good amount of time to finish the paper. I pull out my criminology book and get started.

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