Church and Name Plates

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I wake up to my alarm going off underneath my pillow. I groan as I sit up and grab my phone. I send a quick text to my friend Madison telling her to get up. We go to Church every Sunday together and she wanted to go today. I'm almost positive it's because she wants to meet hot guys, but I don't blame her. 

I go and get ready, but I make sure to wear something comfortable because after church we are going to meet everybody else and head off for the tour of Annapolis. 

I am pretty sure Logan and Mason are also going to join us. I get dressed and get some makeup and head out and walk across the hall to Madison's room. I don't worry about telling Brooklyn or Kalandi where I am going, they will know where I have headed off to. Also they wouldn't hesitate to run over all of the grounds screaming my name until they find me, so I have no reason to worry. I am forced to wait five minutes for Madison to finish. Whenever she knows she might meet some handsome, dashing man as she says, she makes sure to take extra long. That's one thing that we don't have in common, I rarely take a lot of time on my makeup. Don't worry though I don't go around looking like some sort of monster. Madison would never let me do that. Once she finally is ready Mason and Logan have joined me by the door and are waiting with me.  

We finally head out to the main chapel on the Naval Academy. I check my phone and see that it is 8:45. "Well it doesn't look like we have time to get lost." Mason stares me down. After a little incident last year were I may or may not of gotten us seriously lost I have never been trusted with directions ever since. "You are so funny aren't you."

"I like to think so." Everybody laughs at Mason's sarcastic comment toward me. We see a midshipmen head out of one of the dorms Logan runs up towards her telling her how we need to find were the main chapel is located. She points him to the main chapel and he comes back towards us telling us where to go. "So who was that lovely lady?" Mason asks Logan, just like Mason, always flirting with any girl possible.

"No idea, but I did get her last name." Logan says as he looks over his shoulder back at her.

"Thank goodness for name plates, huh." I laugh as I ask Logan.

"Oh, don't worry I am extremely thankful." He finishes as we walk up to the entrance at the main chapel. 

I check my phone one more time it reads 8:56, "See we weren't late." I say pointing my comment back at Mason.

"That's because we asked somebody and didn't trust you to take us there." He says laughing as a cross looks comes over my face.

"Hey Madison you've been quiet" Logan comments as we enter the chapel. We go and find somewhere to sit and continue talking while we wait for the service to begin.

"That's because I have been focused."

Mason scoffs "Yeah focused on what."

I answer for her because she looks like she is about to wring his neck. "Focusing on finding guys." Madison sits back and keeps looking.

"Seems like it" Logan says as he settles back into the pew. Then the service begins so we all stop talking and focus. 

As the service ends we head out talking about the service when Madison nearly blows out our eardrums by screaming "FOUND HIM!"

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