morning inspection

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The door beeped, approving entry, stepping into the windowless, small, white cell with only a covered foam pad on the floor and a small metal table bolted down to the concrete. The prisoner sat still eyeing your move as you took the small ten strides from the doorway to the table, setting down the tray of food and medications for the morning on the metal table. Before having the time to turn to face the prisoner, a blade was pressed against your throat and a bone-chilling voice was against your ear,

"Get me out of this cell or I will slit your throat clean"

The threat made you freeze, unable to even breathe, the blade pressed deeper against the delicate skin of your neck. There was no training during this situation, no self-defense weapon was on hand. Being calm, taking in a deep breath, the blade pressed deeper, forming a groove,

"Loki I will confiscate your weapon and report this incident to headquarters"

The weight of the blade released from your neck as you let out a sigh, he never meant to hurt you only to threaten you.

"I have been locked away in this cell for weeks" he threw the dagger with a swift of a hand as it flew striking into the left side wall disappearing as if it was only an illusion of his mischief. You turned facing him he towered over, his body was too close stepping back a few inches, again calmly telling him,

"It's only been forty-eight hours and you aren't release until further notice"

Loki scolded, picking up the cranberry muffin from the tray taking a bite "Says who" he dropped the muffin back down with a displeased look as his forefinger flipped the pills

"The Avengers and your family. Once they make a decision you are free"

His hand picked up the coffee cup, he sat down on the pad crossing his legs, taking down the coffee,"I am the screw up son I know" he said in a somber tone,

He looked pitiful, as if he was exhausted being the trouble maker, this was his third time on lockdown in the past three months. You stared at him, his beauty laid beneath the villainy. The way his hair cascaded over his pale face and falling over the gray scrubs. You were taken aback from him, lost in his presence, his green eyes lifted meeting yours looking away. You picked up the paper cup with the medication, drugs to make him tame as you wished they did. He rolled his eyes, taking the cup and  he took them pretending to swallow them with the coffee. You didn't bother to do the check knowing for a fact he didn't take them.

"I advise you to eat. I will return at noon with lunch and another check in." you told him, you looked back at him as he grinned flashing his bright teeth


You left the cell, the interaction was only ten minutes but felt like an hour. Catching your breath, heading out the hall to the main corridor to catch the elevator to your office. Loki was intimidating, especially what he just did, how his voice vibrated against your ear. He had a scent of sandalwood and earthiness.  But there was a catch, you were attracted to him.

The office space was a small closet sized room only a table and chair could fit. The only sound was the rattling hum of the air unit and ticking of a wall clock. Your fingers typed over the keyboard, inputting into his file the incident that was done in the morning. Not sure if you a entry level counselor should be on watch duty for an illusionist. That wasn't what your resumé said nor your degree but a job with the Avengers was a win.
You monitored the security footage he was there in the cell he seemed to be talking to himself. His head moved to where the camera was as he flipped it off.
Sending off the reported notes to headquarters clicking the mouse on send, sitting back in the chair, drawing squares on the homescreen with the mouse. Continuing to watch Loki sulk and pout,

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