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"I don't understand the concept of this art, just odd shapes and figures" he frowned, putting his hands into his black slacks pockets.

"Have I found something to bore you?" You asked him,


"Shall we move on"


The MET seemed to be the perfect setting for him, the museums were free today letting him roam around exhibits of art that are ancient just like him. You were on alert, afraid someone would recognize him. Every police, security, anyone has to know he is on probation for the yet again trouble he caused two days earlier and the one back in fall. He stood out from everyone else, tall and lanky, attractive human, wearing a black suit with his long very black hair; someone will know. He took a seat on the wooden bench, observing the religious artwork on the upper level.

You sat next to him, not too close there was a good gap between him. He was quiet as he observed the lighting and objects within the painting. He turned away from the painting to look at you, you were chewing your lip being so nervous. Loki inched closer as he took your hand, you stopped your habit, facing him. His face was soft, very angelic, in your head you would've made out with him right then and there but no, that would be wrong. He turned away, observing a dark crucifix painting.

"Are you finding Christian art to be fascinating?" You asked wondering if this can be added to the list of behavioral development. He tilted his head a little, his hair fell over just a bit.

"A little envious there isn't much of any art on Nordic religion" he crossed his legs, "Don't you think it is a little grim to have an image of a dead man hanging to what it is that Christians believe, to show who died for their sins. Feels a bit guilt trippy"

Your eyes moved to the painting he was observing,

"It is"

Again he was in a deep discussion,

"How do we even know a Christian god exists? I have been alive for over a thousand years and never had I encountered this God. And yet here I am flesh and blood"

He turned to you,  "I'm not offending you am I"

"No I am not Christian or any religion" you've replied weirdly to say that not being a believer of a god when you have him sitting there and meeting his brother last week.

Loki is intelligent, he used his cunning wits and cleverness to outsmart someone. He stood up with his arms behind his back, pacing slowly, glancing at more of the art. Maybe he did take the pills because he was so calm. Time was slipping away, Loki had his fulfillment as his attention span was wearing off on this section. Your cellphone was again in your hands with no notifications sighing, putting it back into your pocket. Both of you are making ways to the lower levels to Medieval art, perusing through the grand halls. The staff at the entrance of the exhibit looked at both of you, growing nervous once more.

Loki was amused, he didn't boast about his experience. You could just tell he was enjoying himself by his eyes and smile as he read the description of the art pieces studying their intricate detail.You mainly were trailing behind him until he made his way to the café. Your feet were hurting standing for hours, so deciding on a short coffee break wouldn't be so bad. 

Loki didn't want anything to drink his eyes were on you, while you mindlessly scrolled on your phone,

"Why are you always on that– device?" He asked, folding his arms across his chest.

"Just making sure I am not fired"

"You said you told the people that i nearly killed you  and my illusion self couped in the cell" his voice lowered, "Relax Y/N"

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