Lovers rock

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Griffin pov
"I don't know billy!!"
"Billy stop screaming at griffin it's not his fault!" Bruce said

"Ya bruce it's your fault, you took griffin away from me, you already have Vance why couldn't you just stick with him?!?!!" Billy said

"My? Fault?!? It's not my fault that you don't know how to be a good boyfriend, sure griffin cheated and ya I would be mad at him to if I was his bf but you went to far! You literally just told everyone griffins private life. He just got stoped being bullied by moose and his friends but now he's not only going to get hurt physically he's going to hurt mentally because everyone is going to laugh and talk about him at school.

And also I never had Vance, I never had anyone to love me and even if griffin never loved me, he treated me better then anyone ever did!"
Bruce said getting up and standing in front if billy

I was happy Bruce was standing up for me but I was also scared for him because I know Billy knows how to fight.

"I-I , we'll why do you care so much Bruce, your nothing to griffin! And griffin still loves me!!"
Billy says coming over to me and holding my hand
"Bruce isn't nothing to me! he's my friend "

I knew I hurt Bruce's feelings saying that but  I still love billy.

"Just let go of me billy!"
I said pushing Billy's hand off me

"Griffin" billy said lifting my head up by my chin
"What" I said in a annoyed tone
"Say you love me. I know you love me"

He knows I still love him. But I can't keep living with his toxicity, if he's going to keep doing this, I need him out of my life.
It would be better for the both of us.
Even if it would hurt me I knew I had to do this

"I don't love you billy."
I said slapping billy and running behind Bruce
"Griffin what the fuck!"
Billy said looking at me behind Bruce

"Billy im sorry but..."
I couldn't hold in my tears, saying to billy that we had to say goodbye to each other broke my heart, I loved him but I knew he wasn't good for me.

"You don't need me in your life anymore. We have to say goodbye"
"Wait what griffin?!?"
Billy's eyes started getting watery
"You can't be serious right?!?"
billy said while his tears running down his face

I felt really bad. But I was doing this for me and him.

"I'm serious billy."
"I'm sorry but this "relationship" isn't good for us, even when we say goodbye I'll still remember all the good times we had together."

"Griffin please I promise I'll change! You can't leave me I need you!!"

"Billy you always say that how am I supposed to believe you?"
"Well I guess you can't if you just don't give me one last chance,Please griffin one last Chance that's all I want."
Billy said holding my hands
"Billy..." I sad looking him in his eyes
"One last chance?." Billy said looking desperate
"You get one last chance." I said smiling at him
"Thank you griffin, I love you"
Billy said hugging me and still crying
"I love you to billy"

when I said that I saw Bruce walking away I saw his head was down and he wiped a tear away with his sleeve.

I knew I hurt Bruce but, I was happy. But I still needed and wanted to be friends with Bruce and for him not to hate me..

end of story idk if your new i made like 10 other parts but they didn't make sense so i'm ending it here again i have a other story called "just hate me" so go read it ig

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