🍁 Six : The Longing

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As Genevieve bid farewell to Vincent at the airport, a sense of melancholy settled over her. The rain, mirroring her somber mood, began to fall steadily.

Returning home, she stood before her front door, knowing that the silence awaiting her on the other side would only deepen her solitude.

A pang of longing surged within her, wishing she could turn back time and bring Vincent back with her. But reality held firm, and she had to accept his departure.

Upon stepping inside, the emptiness enveloped her, accentuating the absence of his presence. It was a feeling she couldn't shake, one that lingered like a shadow in her heart.

Closing the door behind her, she hung up her coat, her fingers instinctively reaching for the ring dangling around her neck—a tangible reminder of his love.

Sinking onto the sofa, she traced the contours of the ring, her gaze drifting aimlessly towards the ceiling.

In the quiet of her solitude, tears welled in her eyes, the weight of her emotions threatening to overwhelm her.

Feeling a deep ache of loneliness, she reached for her phone, seeking solace in the voice of a loved one. But the call went unanswered, adding to her sense of isolation.

With no one to turn to, Genevieve found herself consumed by despair, her cries echoing in the empty space around her.

Unbeknownst to her, the little boy from the other day watched her from the hallway, his heart heavy with sympathy for her pain.

He wished he could ease her suffering, to bring a smile back to her face. 

But uncertainty held him back, for he knew she harbored resentment towards him.

Yet, despite her disdain, his compassion remained unwavering, a silent companion in her time of need.

End of chapter Six.

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