chapter 3

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"What is it kong?" Aim asked for the fifteenth time

"Nothing, I'm fine here" kongpob replied with a sigh

"I know you aren't, what is it that's bothering you?" Aim asked

"It's just..everything, I don't like the surroundings, there's no one I talk to, I don't think I will ever make friends here" kongpob replied

"It's just been three days kong, you are out there in a new country, obviously the surroundings are all completely different, you will adjust pretty soon" Aim explained patiently

"What if I don't?" Kongpob asked softly

"Remember when we first met? We hated each other and look at us now? We hate other people with each other" Aim replied

Kongpob laughed at the explanation given by his best friend, though, it was very true, maybe he should just give it some time

"What do you think you are doing?" Type hissed as he stormed inside his room

He yanked the diary away from his father, pulling it closer to him while throwing glares at the man in front of him

"I told you to stay away from him, you don't get it?" Steve asked, walking closer to type

"It's none of your buisness, who I talk to, who I go to and who I stay with" type replied

Steve looked him up and down before moving away and letting out an exhausted, humorless laugh

"You don't care, do you? Haven't you brought more than enough shame to your family?" Steve asked

"If this is what you refer to as family, then I'm great I did" type replied

"You bustard!" Steve yelled, slapping the boy in front of him, harder than he had intended to

Type's hand travelled up to his right cheek, it burnt, his cheek was shining scarlet and he could feel it

"Father? You aren't good enough to be anything related to me" type yelled

"Was it me who got abonded? Who do you think is not good enough?" Steve asked

Type glared at him one last time before he walked away, not knowing where he was heading to, he just had to get away

The night was starry and peaceful as kongpob walked down the lane, taking in the beauty of a rare night like this

His hands were neatly tucked behind his back, a smile playing on his lips as he looked around, watching everything go on as usual

He walked and walked until his eyes spotted a convenience store, he walked in, greeting the workers before walking further inside, to buy himself something to eat

After a minutes search, he settled with a can of coldrink and his very favourite flavour of potato chips

He took a seat at the chair placed outside the store, there were a bunch of them and he was thankful

He was pretty much enjoying his little late night snack when an unexpected noise made him flinch

Someone had kicked down the chairs, and stood there panting, as if he had been running for too long, one of the workers hurried out

"Sir, what are you doing? You will have to pa.." she was cut mid sentence by the man

"I fucking will, can I throw them down the aisle now?" He yelled

The girl shivered, she stared at him for a second but decided otherwise and hurried back in

The man ran a hand through his hair, and thats when kongpob recognised who it was

Mr gorgeous kongpob thought

Type did not seemed to have noticed kongpob presence, something kongpob was thankful for, again

He decided to quietly slip away, type seemed to be in a terrible mood and kongpob didn't want any trouble, he hardly managed to have a good mood

He slowly stood up, ready to make his way down the street when he heard him call his name

"Kongpob?" Type called

Kongpob halted in his steps, cursing under his breath, he turned to face him, an awkward smile on his face

"Hey, didn't notice you there.." kongpob replied

"Why were you running away then?" Type asked, raising an eyebrow

"Oh that.." kongpob mumbled, looking away nervously

"Company? For a while?" Type asked, his eyes looking hopeful

Kongpob looked into those blue ones, feeling himself agreeing to whatever he was saying, kongpob hated how gorgeous he was

"What made you so upset?" Kongpob asked, tired of the awkward silence

"Are we close enough to discuss our traumas? I will take it as a sign of you being interested in me" type replied, chuckling right after

Kongpob looked away, butterflies, that's all he felt in his stomach

"My dad, we don't get along" type said

Kongpob looked back at him, he noticed how type's face fell

"It's fine, most of the kids don't" kongpob replied, he thought it would have been something severe

"It's different, we don't really really get along, you know when you dont want to breathe the same air as someone? That's us" type specified

"Oh.." kongpob replied, it seemed severe enough now

Kongpob let out a sigh, before patting type's shoulder softly yet carefully, he
didn't want to go ahead of him

"It will be fine, you might not feel like it right now, but trust me, it will get better" kongpob said

"I do" type replied, staring at him with so much in his eyes

Kongpob's eyebrows crashed together in confusion

"Trust you, I do trust you" type replied

Here he goes again, why was he so perfect?

I purple you 💜

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