♚ 𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕻𝖆𝖗𝖆𝖒𝖔𝖚𝖗 (𝕮𝖑𝖊𝖌𝖆𝖓𝖊 𝕽𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖊𝖗)

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Fem!Reader is the sister of Sandor and Gregor.

Set in Season 3. (Joffrey is king, with Sandor as his Kingsguard)

While her brothers both work as knights for the Lannisters, (Y/N) is looking for a different sort of employment: as a highborn resident of King's Landing, she has always been close to the Queen mother. One day, Cersei reveals to her that her longing is not unreciprocated, but that their relationship must remain anonymous to avoid a scandal. So (Y/N) becomes Cersei's nameless paramour...


I was lying back on the bed, sighing with the afterimage of bliss. Cersei and I had only begun this relationship a few weeks ago, but already it was like a drug I couldn't live without. We saw each other nightly, and sometimes during the day too, like right now.

I couldn't even quite remember how we had first met. Was it when Gregor first became Tywin's sworn sword? Or when Sandor went to join him? Or before all that, in childhood, perhaps? Somehow, Cersei had just always been in my life - never too present, but always there in a way. And then I had moved from Clegane's Keep to King's Landing, and seen her as if for the first time. I did not just see the king's consort, or Lord Tywin's daughter, I saw her, and suddenly I understood why she was said to be the most beautiful woman in the Seven Kingdoms and why men all over the continent lusted after her.

And she had seen me, too. And that was that.

Worshipping that beauty had become routine, but never ordinary. Each time was a new experience of joy and unscaled heights of feeling.

Cersei was already slipping into her dress again. She didn't have much time before her next meeting, but that was fine by me. We didn't need much time to find our pleasure.

Reluctantly, I heaved myself off the bed and walked over to her, tucking a stray lock of hair behind her ear while kissing her cheek. "There, darling. We don't want you looking disheveled in front of the council, do we? What will people say?"

"They're already saying enough", Cersei warned. "Your nightly visits have not gone unnoticed. People are wondering who this mysterious paramour of mine might be."

"Which means I've managed to conceal my identity well", I concluded, smoothing her hair over again. "Don't worry, love. I grew up with two older brothers - I know how to sneak around and keep out of trouble."

Cersei did not laugh as I had hoped she would. "I'm serious. We need to be careful. If someone discovers us, we need to stop this whole affair immediately. I can't put my reputation at court at risk."

That statement instantly killed my own jovial mood. "We won't be discovered", I said, shaking my head. "I've managed to stay out of sight so far, haven't I? No one has a clue it's me who is visiting you. Besides, if people are looking for a paramour, as you put it, they'll be expecting a man anyway. I'm entirely unsuspicious."

"One might think you were a master spy, the way you're speaking about yourself", Cersei joked conciliatorily.

"What can I say", I shrugged with a grin, "I'm a woman of many talents."

"Oh, you sure are", Cersei smirked with a downward glance.

I laughed and steered her toward the door. "Now go, so you still have time to enjoy those talents later. You'll be late if you don't hurry now, and you know how Baelish hates to be kept waiting."

hear me roar and say you love me (Cersei Lannister x Fem!Reader One Shots)Where stories live. Discover now