Putting Her To Sleep

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I caress her hair,
adjust her pillow.
Her palms are red
She's always ready to draw.
I let her lie down,
cover her with sheets
till her chest only
'cause I had to kiss her cheek.
It's been months
since she slept alright.
She dreamt dark nightmares
even though she didn't off the light.
I love her so much
I couldn't see her getting sad.
I had to find a way
I've been looking for it so bad.
I'd tried putting on some songs,
made a whole lot of playlists,
sang her lullabies myself
but she couldn't loosen her fists.
She would hold the pillow tight
and scream when she should be asleep.
I had to go to the problem's root
which I realised was buried deep.
I wasn't a doctor,
hence couldn't do surgery.
We've talked about nightmares
but now, she was in a hurry.
She was way too desperate
to have atleast one decent rest.
I had tried every single thing
now, what's left is only best.
The drawing she was making
was about some landscape's view.
After I cooked her favourite dish,
I put on her favourite show.
She asked me if today was special
I asked her to get ready for bed.
She came to the room after a bath
Little did she know she would be dead.
I loved her so much,
I couldn't help it.
I had to get her some peace
Nightmares were just not it.
I caress her hair,
adjust her pillow.
Landscapes are not red,
They're blue, green or yellow.
Her hands were red,
'cause I had slit her wrist.
She wouldn't scream anymore,
I've put an end to her nightmares' list.
I let her lie down,
cover her with sheets
till her chest only
'cause I had to kiss her cheek.

~Miss V

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