Collaboration of Emotions (SMUT)

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2021 was a new year, with a lot of changes and unlike last year, these changes were for the better. On Raw, I was getting myself into the women's championship picture again. There was so much action and some new faces.

Showing favoritism really isn't my thing, but when it came to a special someone that was now on Raw, it couldn't be helped. 

Damian Priest and I, well, we weren't dating but we spent a lot of time together while I was in NXT and with every given day, we grew closer and closer, ready to hit it off, but then I got moved up to Raw. Things really didn't change much after that and then he came up to Raw after the Royal Rumble.

That made me beyond excited and I loved cheering him on while he made his main roster debut and poking fun with everyone alongside his friend, Bad Bunny.

All of us were on a roll with the new year and WrestleMania right ahead of us and I was making the best of it.

On Raw, I was backstage, actually waiting for Damian because he had a match coming up and I was just super pumped, there to support him like we've always done for one another and while waiting for Damian, I had a special guest.

"Y/N!" Bad Bunny smiled as he exited Damian's locker room, seeing me sitting on one of the crates in the hall.

"Hey!" I smiled, being kind as he came my way, offering a hug, "How's it going, champ?"

Bunny appreciated my comment, smiling at the 24/7 Championship that was on his shoulder, "I couldn't be better."

"That's great to hear," I smirked, "I'm happy for you. You've been doing amazing around here and you're keeping up with the music business still. I don't know how you do it! It was a little over-bearing for me!"

Bad Bunny and I actually had a friendship that was more business related because before I became a pro wrestler, I was a professional singer and song writer, still writing songs actually.

"You just gotta make the best of both," Bunny sighed, "You got the skills. We should do a collaboration one day!"

"I'm down!" I smirked, actually excited by the thought, with both of us being big in the music industry and wrestling, it would be such a smart move, "I always loved your music. Some of them I know word for word."

"Tu hablas espanol?" Bunny smirked, a bit surprised that I knew Spanish, wanting to hear me speak it.

"Se mas espanola de lo que piensas," I smiled, blowing his mind a little, letting him know that I knew more spanish than he thought I did.

"Si no fueras lo suficientemente irresistible, preciosa," Bunny cooed, really trying to be sexy by the tone of his voice and that really caught me off guard, telling me I'm irresistible and gorgeous.

If that wasn't enough to make things feel awkward, things got a lot worse as I saw Damian slowly coming out of his locker room, not making a sound, but the look on his face said it all. 

"If you're down, tonight after I go out there with Damian," Bunny sighed, titling his sunglasses, really trying to persuade me, "I have place down here, you can come over and we can, collaborate. Sound good to you, hermosa?"

Quickly, I looked to Damian and felt guilt, instantly. I never liked Bunny in that way and even though I wasn't dating Damian, my feelings for him were just so strong that I felt like I was cheating or something in a way.

"I'm sorry," I sighed nervously, "But as soon as I'm done with the show, I have two hours then I have to catch a flight."

"Traveling," Bunny sighed, rolling his eyes, "Gotta love it."

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