Chapter 1

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"Daddy your home" Christine, Booth and Brennan's daughter, shouted running toward her dad. Booth tried to squat but it hurt because he had bad bruises from getting beat up in prison. Max, Brennan's father, had watched Christine, left the house. "Hey baby angel" he said. "Daddy are you going to stay home now or do you have to leave again." Christine asked. Hearing his daughter say those words broke his heart. "Baby no I'm never ever leaving again I promise," he said. "Christine, sweetie, why don't you go your room and play from for a while well I speak to daddy?" Bones said. "Okay mommy," Christine replied running to her bedroom. "How do you like the house?" She asked looking at him as he looked around their new house. "Bones I love it" he said. "I knew you would," she said walking over to him and kissing him. Tears came to her eyes as she pulled away. "Bones what's wrong?" He asked. "Booth I just I thought I'd never ...I thought I'd never see you again," she said her as voice broke. She buried her face in his shoulder, and he held her close. "Bones I'm home and I'm not going anywhere" he said kissing the top of her head. She sobbed on his shoulder for a few minutes as he held her close. She missed the comfort of her husbands loving arms wrapped around her.

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