In which Olympia falls

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It was a windy afternoon outside mothers house. I seat on a white wooden chair a book rested in my lap, a thin black sheet of paper between my hands, my eyes scanned it again and again. 

It was a letter from my husband, Hermes had delivered it early this morning, I hadn't had time to read it until the afternoon since I had been with mother as she blessed the dead crops and brought them to life.

The ink was gold, enchanted in order to be visible only to my eyes, for anyone else it was a blank piece of paper.

I smiled at his sweet little nothings, and flushed at his ardent promises. 

Ohh how I longed to be in his arms.

I turn my head up at the sound of rustling leaves.

Dark eyes, thin lips, chiseled jawline.

A smile reached my lips, and grew bigger at the realization. Hades's tall body stood behind some trees his hungry gaze took me back to the day I first laid eyes on him.

I turned around making sure no nymph's where near, to my surprise the coast was clear, something which does not happen often.

I needed not worry about mother she had left just an hour ago to Olympus for an important matter.

I held my toga up and began running through the fields of grass and into the woods, as soon as I was near them Hades held onto my wrist and began pushing me deeper into them. 

"Love slow down I cannot keep up." He kept moving forward, "Love." I called again. It was as if he could not hear me, this was not like him. 

I placed my worry in the back of my head this was Hades, he was just impatient. 

Yet why did it not feel like him, I could always feel him, his energy, right now I couldn't

We were deep in the forest, but not in the pond, where we usually met.

He turned to look at me, my giggles seaced, the smile left my face. I shook my head in denial this could not be happening, it just wasn't, it couldn't.

This we're Zeus's blue eyes, they we're not Hades's empty ones. 

"Won't you kiss you're husband." My breath hitched.

I began to run, back the way we came from. "No one can outrun me!" An eagle flew over me.

"Hades!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. I hit the ground trying to conjure something, nothing. I hit the group trying to open a portal which would take me to the Underworld, nothing.

"Shouldn't have drunken the wine in the morning." He transformed into Zeus and pushed me back. I began backing away. "Please father don't." He chuckled.

"Pleading has never worked with me, you're mother should have told you that." I backed into a big three which I swore had never been there before. "A taste dear is all I want." He said coming closer his face not in front of me. "I want to taste what Hades did. What made the ruthless dead king, come to life?" I spat on his face. 

He wiped it of a grin on his face. 

He held onto my head hitting it against the trunk.

"You're hair is so pretty, maybe that was what prompted him to steal you. Fuck it's making me rape my own daughter." 

I screamed, and screamed, and screamed. 

As he tore and tore at my toga. 

"I have found fear gives meat a certain taste." He hovered over me, I kicked, at him, at his groin. He would not stop.

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