nurses office

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Ranboo P.O.V

I excused myself from the lunch table to go to the bathroom to wash my hands. I walked down the empty halls and heard... crying? What the hell? I quickened my pace, basically running. I came to a halt at the bathroom door to see Tommy. He didn't seem right. 

He was gripping the sink so hard his knuckles turned white. I also noticed some scars running down his arm. My eyes widened at the sight. He looked so broken, so tired and sad. My mind was full of thoughts.

When did this happen? Why? Is it my fault? My thoughts were chased away by a sob from Tommy. I looked over at him to see him curled up on the floor rocking back and forth, crying for help. I quickly ran over to him and tried to shake him out of whatever trance he was in. We may be enemies, but to see him hurting like this made me want to cry. 

I kept shaking him, calling his name. He just flopped on his side and sobbed his eyes out. I then realised he had passed out in my arms, still crying. His nose was bleeding and his eyes were puffy. His arms were red and raw with scratch marks, and looked new. My heart saddened at his current state. All this time we were fighting and all those mean words I said led to this? I reached over and grabbed a tissue, wiping the blood from his nose.

 I picked him up bridal style and walked out towards the nurses office. He sniffled and huddled closer to me. He felt cold in my arms. He was also pretty light, was he even eating properly? I continued walking down the hall and turned right, and walked towards the door at the very end. I nudged the door open with my foot and walked in, and the nurse stood up with a questioning look.

"You and Tommy fought again?" 

I shook my head. This wasn't the first time both me and Tommy was in the nurses office. Once one of our arguments descended into a fist fight, resulting in bruised knuckles and a blue eye.

"I was going to the bathroom to wash my hands, and I saw Tommy lying on the floor." I said. It was partially true, but I decided to leave out the parts before that. I figured Tommy wouldn't want anyone to know. I set him down on the bed gently, even though I normally would've just dropped him on the bed or even on the floor.

Tommy seemed to wake up slightly as I was leaving. 

"Tubbo?" He said in a croaky voice.

"Please don't leave me again, I don't wanna be alone..."

My heart shattered right then and there. Have I been taking Tubbo away from him? I walked back over to Tommy, crouching next to him. He seemed to be drifting in and out of consciousness.

"Please don't leave..." Tommy whispered.

I patted his head, brushing a strand of loose hair away from his eyes.

"I won't leave. I promise."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2022 ⏰

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