𝖎𝖎. seperate but meant to be

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Meliana thought the birth of the Realm's heir should not be celebrated with people cheering for brute, pointless violence. But a woman's opinion had never been of much value to the men of Westeros.

The Heir's Tournament was probably the second most anticipated event of the year, besides the birth of the heir itself. The entire kingdom was preparing for the joy of welcoming another Targaryen in the world-sometimes the girl thought it was weird how invested the smallfolk were when it came to the royal family and the nobles. It was strange showing so much love to the same people who would oppress the commoners and see them as nothing but an inconvienence. Nevertheless, it was clear that the tournament was of big importance for the crown. Noble families from all around the kingdom sat in the reserved seats as the spectators talked amongst themselves, already placing bets.

Just the day before, Meliana had heard from the kitchen staff that there had been a massacre in King's Landing. Men of the City Watch, with Daemon Targaryen himself as their leader, were unleashed and attacked those who they believed deserving of their wrath. They called them criminals; from the most heinous crimes like rape and murder to simple thievery. The Gold Cloaks castrated, murdered in cold blood and cut their hands off-in the end, it all came down to the tournament. The Crown did not want their nobles to see the filth of King's Landing and their own failure to subdue it as they were supposed to.

During the tournament, everyone acted like nothing had happened later that night.

Under different circumstances, Meliana would have never attended the tournament. She had watched jousting before and she had concluded that pointless violence only tended to men's fragile egos. She had no interest in participating in the spectating of that and yet, there she was, hiding herself behind a green scarf that she wrapped her untamed curly hair with and sneaking amongst the crowd to get a good enough seat. Her half-brother would be competing and her curiousity had gotten the best of her. She had not seen him in a while, to the point where she barely remembered his face and she was interested to see how fighting against the Dornish had molded his fighting skills.

When King Viserys stood up, she knew the tournament had started. "Be welcome!" the man announced as the cheering got loud enough to take over any other possible sound. "I know many of you have travelled long leagues to be at these games. But I promise, you will not be disappointed."

Meliana's eyes drifted to the seats around the King's. She recognized the Sea Snake and his family; Corlys Velaryon, Rhaenys Targaryen and their children, Laena and Laenor Velaryon. She had had the honour of meeting them a few years ago and they looked as elegant and unbothered as they had been back then. Next to the King sat the Hand, Otto Hightower. His reptile-like eyes were scanning the knights, as if he was trying to calculate each person's chances. And then there was his daughter, Alicent, sitting in front of him, next to an empty seat that belonged to the princess. She was not there.

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