Tri-armed triathlon

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Alex's POV

"Mmm, donuts...cheese... helicopter..." Owen mumbled in his sleep, before starting to drool. I have no idea what he was dreaming about but it sounded very, very weird.

I heard a helicopter outside. I got dressed and went outside to see what was going on.

Chris was in a plane driving around like a moron.

"What's going on out here?" Gwen asked, having also come out of her cabin.

"Is that the donut copter?" Owen asked hopefully.

"The what now?" I asked.

Everyone else came out of the cabins and Chris landed his plane and started talking to a camera.

"Only eight campers remain, and after six weeks of bugs, yucky camp food, and even grosser bathrooms, our eight campers are about this close to losing it! We strove to come up with the best ways to help campers de-stress, then decided it would be way more fun to handcuff them together and see if we couldn't push them over the edge!" he grinned.

"Did Duncan's parole officer send a care package?" Heather said with an eyeroll

"No, all in the name of today's challenge! The tri-armed triathlon!" Chris announced

"Tri-armed? Like, three arms?" Owen questioned.

"Yes! four challenges, four teams of two" Chris explained

"Have you met these people?! I am not being chained to any of them!" Heather said angrily.


Scarlett: That's rich coming from the girl who's made enemies with say, one hundred percent of the cast


"Winning team gets immunity from tonight's vote" Chris finished


The teams were

Owen and heather

Gwen and Geoff

LeShawna and Duncan

Scarlett and I

I'm surprised that Chris didn't put Gwen and Heather or LeShawna and Heather together

We were in the mess hall sitting at the table.

"First of four challenges, the competitive chow down!" Chris said. Scarlett and I gulped. I guess she hates eating challenges too.

"Oh come on! This is like a dream I had once!" Owen said happily

"The donut-copter dream?" Heather scoffed

"You've had it too?" Owen asked

"Each team will choose a feeder and an eater. Eaters must put their hands behind them, making it more difficult for the eaters. One last thing, this is the wimp key! A skeleton key that will open any handcuffs! You'll be offered the wimp key at the start of each challenge to unshackle yourself from your teammate, but if you choose to accept it, you'll both be eliminated" Chris said.

"hello? How do we win this challenge?" Scarlett asked impatiently.

"Chef's getting platters for each team. title goes to the team that finishes their platter of delicacies first" Chris explained.

LeShawna and Duncan instantly started fighting over who was eating.

Chef put our trays down.

"Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, you're eating Alex" Scarlett said after glancing at it.

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