Q and A

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why did i get the most questions??? i don't think that's ever happened before ㅜㅜ


Q- JeOglyO nOoNa hOkSi NaMjAcHiNgU iSsEoYo

A-MiAn aJiK joEsoNgHaeyo nEoMu dolJIkgUjYo jeoGi dWiesEo nOOna yePpEuAaGo haNEun hyUnGDeurI

Q- how do you have such clear skin 😔✋

A- water...drink water 💕

Q- Why are you so pretty

A- makeup 😞

Q- How is your waist like that 🥲

A- umm...water?

Q- why so cute?

A- it's my aesthetic 💕

Q- Where is your waist?

A- In Chan and Changbin's hands 😌

Q- Can i steal ur clothes because they're super cute and i have no money to buy my own??? I promise l'll give them back eventually....maybe....

A- uhh you can definitely borrow them! i honestly don't have THAT many cute outfits yet 😔

Q- how does it feel living my dream? getting both binchan as your lovers

A- it feels like a dream 💕

Q- Can u be the love to my life?🫦

A- I'm already the love of Chan and Changbin's lives 💔


Q- never do that again or i'll smack you 😒😐make sure nothing like that happens again 😐

A- i swear i won't. I should have never made a quick assumption like that. I refused to when I was actually in a situation where it was happening and i got overly paranoid but i would never hurt Jisung again.

Q- Do you have a favorite bf

A- no, i definitely love them the same amount...they're both extremely different but also similar to each other in the best ways 💕


A- only Changbin haha

Q- shh never say something like that again or we gotta fight

A- if i were to ever say something so stupid again i would deserve to get beat up

Q- Bangmechan i mean bangmechan i mean bangchan

A- might wanna check on your autocorrect there mate 😅

Q- how many child do u want

A- however many Changbin and Jisung would like

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