1.7 Liar

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Alright, time to finish that other PtG chapter that I split a month- wait, it's been six months since I posted that?! Son of a...

So yeah, real life got in the way and I had a massive period of little to no motivation to do any writing. But I think I've finally fixed that? Maybe? I at least fixed it enough to finally finish this chapter though, complete with the reveal of Sanguine's powers at the end like I've been promising for so long! Enjoy!



It didn't seem like he would get his wish for peace after all, looking to what appeared to be a deserted sports field stretched out to his one side. He was sitting on a simple wooden bench, phone in hand, though he couldn't read anything on the screen. Sighing, he leaned back against the bench, wondering if perhaps he'd just get some normal dream that wouldn't screw with his already fucked up life even more. But the sight of a familiar shadowy figure running over to him and waving left him dreading what events would play out before him, even as his dream self smiled and waved back.

"Hey Reaper! You're really here," came the familiar yet unrecognizable voice, one he'd come to associate with his ex-partner.

"You two never broke up in the first place." Sanguine's words echoed in his mind, reminding him that there was still a crucial gap in his memories to explain how he ended up with Toriel instead of whoever this person was. Maybe this dream would be the key to that though? Given his luck recently though, he felt like he was more likely to be left with more questions than answers.

His attention was returned to the scene unfolding in front of him as his dream self just laughed and waved off the other's words. "Of course I'm here! I said I'd be, didn't I? What kind of friend would I be if I just ghosted you like that?" A moment of silence passed, his past self looking to the other's face and seeing something that Reaper was unable to make out due to the massive gap in his memory. "Oh crap, don't tell me your other friends would've bailed on ya?"

The shadowed figure scuffed their one foot against the ground, their body language enough answer to that question on its own. "Yeah... they would've come up with some excuse for why they couldn't go most of the time. One time I pressed them, and someone finally said what they all were thinking; none of them wanted to babysit me or constantly have to be careful because of my condition. That one even admitted that they only hung out with me because of my family, and nobody ever spoke up because they were afraid of my brother. It hurt to hear, but... I guess deep down, I always knew that was the case."

Despite Reaper's lack of knowledge on this person or their supposed condition, he felt the same disgust and anger well up inside of him as his dream self. His hand shot out, pulling the other over to the bench with a startled yelp. They landed on his lap, and when their shadowed face turned to look up at him, he just smirked and rubbed at their head. "Then they weren't really your friends, plain and simple. I can just about bet dollars to donuts that every single one of them only hung out with you because of your mom and brother scaring or bribing them to look after you, but none of them actually cared."

"Pfft, there you go with your weird sayings again!"

"Yeah, but they make you laugh, don't they? Next thing you know, I'll have you saying them too!" A moment of laughter passed between them before the taller chimed in again. "Seriously though, they aren't your friends and they never were. They were nothing but glorified babysitters, and they don't deserve a second with your cute little face~"

"S-Shut up," the other stuttered out, weakly pushing at his chest while a hand moved as if it was pulling something up around their face, almost like a scarf. Despite their protest though, the figure still didn't remove themselves from his lap. "So... guess that makes you my first real friend then, doesn't it?"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2022 ⏰

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