1.3 - Support

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Wow it's been a long time since I've updated this story, sorry about that. But here we are with the next chapter finally!

For those of you who didn't catch the announcement about this, the poll on the last chapter was overwhelmingly asking for Reaper's perspective, so that's exactly what you're going to get. But just so you know, had you guys chosen Grillby instead, you would've all gotten to know what Sanguine's power was right away.

That poll was just the beginning, so don't worry about missing out on anything. You'll see what Sanguine's power is, just much later than you would've had you chosen differently. In the meantime you're free to theorize along with the characters. Maybe they're right or maybe they're wrong.

Just remember for the next time a choice comes up. The choice you obviously want may not have the outcome you desire. Choose carefully, because there are no 'right' or 'wrong' choices in this story, each one comes with its benefits and drawbacks, but going forward these choices will have serious impacts on how the story progresses. No more pulling punches :)



"Come on Reaper, you're so slow!" A voice called out to him, one that was so familiar and yet he couldn't place. The skeleton paused to briefly look around his surroundings, confused by the padded floors and soundproof walls of the relatively large room. It honestly looked like a training room of some sort, similar to... wait, where was this similar? A fist flying straight for him knocked him out of his thoughts before he could figure things out, having to jump back even as he shifted out of reflex. "First you're slow, now you're spacing out? What's up with you today?"

"Sorry," he apologized without thinking, finally looking to the figure in the room with him only to realize with worry that he couldn't really see them. Their figure seemed blurred, indefinite in shape and appearance with nothing visible that could even help him distinguish between human and monster. The only thing that was visible in the blurry and undefined image was a single eye, a beautiful and striking mixture of blue and red that was locked onto him with such passion and intensity.

The figure approached, their gaze softening the closer they got. "You doing okay Reaps? I know you said that you weren't feeling the best today, so why don't we call it quits for now?" Who was this person? They knew his name and his power from his earlier display of it, it would only be a matter of time before they placed him as the hero Smoke.

A sigh escaped his lips, his mouth once again moving without his thoughts having any input on the matter. "Sorry, I really don't know what's up with me today. I've just... you ever get those days where you feel like shit is about to go sideways in the most colossal way possible?"

"Definitely know the feeling, felt that every day before I told my brother to fuck off and ran away. Knew that he'd have a fucking hissy fit if he found out the truth. But come on, we're going to be fine. Your dad has some of the best security available, and you're not exactly a pushover in a fight." The figure was now right in front of him, close enough that he could reach out and touch them. He wanted to, just so that he could figure out who this person was and how they knew so much about him. But just like his mouth that refused to voice his question, his hands refused to obey his wishes as well. In fact none of his body would respond to his mental commands, resulting in him remaining still as the figure stayed so close.

It was like he wasn't in control of anything, a prisoner in his own body as he pulled away despite his desires. "Says the person that kicks my ass every time we spar."

"Not my fault that you're predictable," they scoffed, their voice continuing to hold nothing in its tone to help him recognize who they were, not even anything to help distinguish gender.

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