Chapter Eleven

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Daryl was alone when I came up to our camp, Goliath trailing behind me. He was putting sticks on the fire, trying to keep it lit to the best of his abilities.

I walked past him, laid the squirrel I caught in front of the fireplace, and took my stuff to my hammock. I took my katana off and sat it next to the tree. I laid my coat on my hammock and sat down by Daryl.

"You were gone for a while," Daryl remarked, looking at me through the flames. I met his gaze and shrugged. "I didn't think I was gone that long," I responded. Goliath came and sat next to me, chewing on a stick contently.

"where did you find him," Daryl asked, motioning to the dog beside me. "In the woods, he had a thorn in his paw, poor thing," Daryl snorted. "Typical girl, taking care of the injured" I shot him a glare. "Well, I couldn't just let him suffer, could I, besides Rick gave him a nice name."

"When did you see him," Daryl asked, taking his eyes off the dog. "By the barn, where I came out, he was locking up Randall again; he said Shane and him got into a fight, so I offered to take first watch of him while Andrea ate," Daryl scowled in response.

"Rick, let you take watch over him." I nodded confused "Yeah, just for a few minutes," I responded slowly, not knowing what Daryl was thinking. He shook his head at my reply.

"He shouldn't have done that," Daryl mumbled after a moment. "Why," I responded, confused. "Something could have happened; he could have gotten the jump on you." I shook my head

"I was outside most of the time, and besides, I can take care of myself, you know," I responded, slightly angry. Daryl stared at me. "I know you think you can, but shit happens." I scoffed "yeah, I know that, but I've been through worse." I responded stoically

"Oh yeah, like what." Daryl sneered. I shook my head. "Need to know basis Daryl, and quite frankly, you don't need to know," I replied, getting up and walking to my hammock; jumping in it with ease, I turned my back toward Daryl and put my hands under my head.

I heard Goliath lay down under my hammock, still chewing on a stick proudly. I heard Daryl stand and go to his tent with a mumble of "whatever" under his breath, and with that, I closed my eyes and fell into a deep sleep.


The sun was on my face when I woke up the following day, and I scowled sitting up, rubbed my eyes, and yawned; I looked over to Daryl's tent, which was zipped up.

That meant two things he wasn't there, or he didn't want to be bothered, but seeing as the sun was up, he was probably gone. I hopped down from my hammock, grabbed my katana and daggers, left my coat on the ground, and headed to the farmhouse with Goliath tagging behind me.

The rest of the group was by their tents chatting amongst themselves. As I came up, I walked up to Rick, who was talking to Lori, but stopped as he saw me. "Sybil, are you going to eat with us" I shook my head. "Sorry, Rick, I'm not hungry," I responded flatly.

"Hershel wants us off his land, After the stunt at the barn," I nodded. "I figured as much, but I can try to talk to him," I offered. Rick shrugged. "Do your worst," he responded. I nodded and walked past Rick and Lori.

I stopped when I saw Daryl walking up to us, I needed to talk to him, but I had a feeling from the look he was giving me he didn't want to talk. He glared daggers at me as he walked past.

"The kid has a group, about 30 men, loaded with automatics; they come rolling through here. Our boys are dead, and our women will wish they were," Daryl said, and I scoffed silently and walked off, Goliath behind me.

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