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when we got back to the hotel, it was time to get ready, I went to louis and eleanor's room where us boys where getting ready at, while the girls got ready in me and ashley's room. last night while I watched ashley sleep I wrote a note that said:

Dear, Ashley

I told you not to bring a costume cause I wanted to surprise you. I managed to get ahold of the EXACT dress that the girl that played princess ithaca wore in princess, you know your favorite one the pink dress, I brought it and had it sized thats why I had carly get you sized yes she lied it wasn't for her extra credit fashion class. I also got the EXACT crown that goes with the dress. I thought that my princess deserved to look like a princess. I cant wait to see you tonight cause danielle said that I couldn't see you until your complete so louis or zayn will place you in your chair.

talk to you tonight!


Harry Styles!

ps. eleanor picked the shoes for you!

ps ps. I forgot to mention that I need this note back cause I borrowed a lyric sheet :)

I grabed what was near and it was the little things lyric sheet which I thought was perfect cause thats how I feel about ashley. I had eleanor box everything when we went to the show so ashley wouldn't see. we left after we droped ashley and karalyn back to the hotel and went got roeses for the girls everybody got red but me, I got ashley a pink rose cause thats her favorite. then came back to get ready, then zayn said: you really like ashley do you? yes very much. I said smiling. we was done getting ready: louis was superman, liam was batman, nail was a hotdog, zayn was 50s dude and I was william princess itaca's searcher. zayn went and put ashley in her chair then came back and teased: zayn: harry ashley looks hot. I just smiled, I couldn't wait to see her. we went to get the girls, the girls was all done getting dressed just in time when louis decided to knock at the door. louis: is everybody dolled up and ready? he said peeking though the door. eleanor: yes baby come in. louis walked in. hey there sexy superman I think superwoman needs saving! I heard ashley said jokingly. dont fear superwoman superman is here! louis said running towards eleanor and spining her, louis: this is for you! he gave eleanor a red rose. then liam knocked, hey sexy batman batwoman wants to ride in your new batmobile. I heard ashley said laughing. alright! lets go! he said running towards danielle and spining her. this is for you. he said to danielle while handing her a red rose then kissed her. then zayn's turn he knocked then walked in, hey there sexy danny zooco wantabe your sandy has been waiting forever for you. I heard ashley said laughing. he just smiled walked to perrie huged her then placed a kiss then delivered her red rose. oh how I want that with ashley I thought. was that a grease reference? eleanor asked. yea! louis said then added. she loves that movie and knows every word and every song. oh my gosh another one. perrie said laughing. ashley just laughed they all did, even I did peering though the door. then it was niall's turn to knock, nooooooooo comment! I heard ashley said laughing. I have a comment. louis said then added. but its not decent. then everybody laughed then niall walked and gave karalyn her red rose then kissed her. then it my turn I was nervous I knocked, well........eleanor said looking at ashley. me and ashley was locked looking at each other, shes beautiful. I thought, shes speechless. karalyn said about ashley. I got this. danielle said then added. hey sexy searcher princess ashley needs you she seams to have lost her words. ashley just smiled and blushed. I went and gave ashley a hug then kissed her cheek, she grew redder, this is for you. I said handing ashley her rose. she smiled. I know you like them. I whisperd. lets go eat! niall said. then we ate at some fancy place then we to the dance. when we arived music was playing the song was you need me, I don't need you by ed sheeran. we entered it was hallloween decorated, I found you by the wanted played I danced with ashley, its a fast song. then nail asked ashley for a dance then louis asked ashley for a dance. I just sat there planing how and when I was going to kiss ashley, I was scared of what her reaction would be, I kept looking at ashley she was smiling and I was to. then zayn asked ashley for a dance they was talking I wonder what was they was talking about. then the song ended and ashley was coming back towards me until liam stoped ashley for a dance. about a hour later I decided it was time and I wasn't going flake again so I went towards the dj and requested one of ashley's favorite songs i'll be by edwin mccain and I walked towards ashley. me: may I have this dance? yes! she said. I kneeled down to ashley's level then I grab ashley's arms and placed them around my neck then I waved to the dj then the song started, harry! thats my favorite song well one of them. ashley said smiling. I know. I said smiling. its a slow dance so we where close we just staring at each other, I really felt like everything was perfect, then the song was almost over when I decided it was time then I slowly leaned in and kissed her on the lips, everything was going great until ashley relized whats going on she freaked and pulled her arms down and took off down the hall by the bathrooms and was crying. I just stood there what did I do? everything was great. then what? the boys walked over: louis: what happened? I dont know everything was going great until she freaked and ran off. liam: maybe she doesn't feel the same harry. yes she does. nail: your 19 shes almost 23 harry. I was told she likes me she just dont know she does and im almost 20. I said. zayn: I know you love her harry.... I do. I said. louis: then go after her. there right ashley durio is mine! I walked where ashley was sitting alone. ashley. I said. everything alright? I added. perfect. ashley said with a smile. can we dance again? I asked. yes! ashley said. I grabed her hand and walked her to the dance floor a moment like this by kelly clarkson was playing. I kneeled to ashley's level and put her arms around my neck again. harry. ashley said. yes. I said. I have a confession. she said. oh? I said. yea that was first kiss. ashley said embarrassed. awww yess ashley's first kiss was with me. I thought. well I want to be your last first kiss. I said smiling. I want that too. she smiled then added. can we try that again? you know the ki.....before ashley could finish I leaned over slowly cause I was scared that she would run again but before I knew it we where kissing again and she didn't run everything perfect finally and timing was great we kissed right when the first corus line comes on, then I pick ashley up out of her chair and spins her like in them chic flicks, I was the underdog that that finally got the girl, we danced and danced, laughed and laughed then the night was over. we went back to the hotel and I went shower while ashley was getting ready, then we just laid there talked again for hours, but this time everything felt different cause ashley finally was my girl.

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