You harm yourself

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You harm yourself

Harry: "Kitten I'm home!" Harry's voice rang through the house. Shit why is he home early? That was the only thing running through your head, he came home early without telling you and the door opening freaked you out and you cut too deep. Shit. You quickly tried to clean up everything around you; the razors, the blood, and wipe your face, since it was red, blotchy, and tear stained. Blood was pouring from the cut in your leg, making you a little lightheaded. "(Y/N)? You okay?" He said quietly knocking on the door. "Umm yeah just umm..." You mumbled trying to think of a good excuse while cleaning up everything. But then a certain sound made you freeze. The door handle turning. Dammit! You forgot to lock the door! You tried to reach an lock it, but it was too late. Harry had the door swung open and was staring at you eyes his eyes big that were filling with tears with his mouth open. You froze your eyes wide trying to think of some way to get yourself out of this. "Kitten?" He asked in disbelief. "H-Harry I..I..." You stuttered, but knew you had been caught. You leg was bleeding and a bunch of razors were held in your hand. He quickly walked over to you and grabbed the razors from you and flushing them, before sitting you on the sink counter and cleaning up your legs wounds. He then and went and kissed every single one. He looked back up at you eyes glossy and he smashed his lips into yours, you quickly responded. As you two pulled away, he brushed his lips against yours, before whispering in your ear, "It's going to be okay. I'll help and your strong. It's going to be fine. Just promise me this is the last time. Please?" He said pulling away and wiping away your tears. You took a deep breath before looking in his eyes and saying "This is the last time." And it was.

Niall: You woke up that morning, imeditally just wanting to back to sleep. Niall was in tour and everything seemed to be crashing down without him, and you felt the only thing going right was for you to start to cut. You quickly got up hoping a cup of tea might be able to turn your mood around. You sat at the counter with a cup of tea and your computer. As you scrolled through twitter your mood just got worse and worse. They hate was terrible, and you could feel your heartbreaking all over again. You then got up and walked to your bathroom an opened the cabinet and felt around till you felt cool metal brush your finger tips. You picked up the razor an rolled your sleeve up, you twirled the razor in your finger tips staring at the marks. Well time to make some more. You had only made three when you heard the door open making you freeze. "PRINCESS!" A very familiar Irish accent, that you knew all too well. Niall. "Princess?" He repeated his voice dangerously close, but before you could act the door swung open and you stood there frozen, eyes starting to fill with tears. "N-Niall I-I-I...." But no words could form. "Oh princess..." He said before grabbing your arm and running it under cool water washing away the blood. You watched as he grabbed the razor and got ride of it and the kissed you on the lips before cover the cuts up. Tears just flowed from your eyes and all you could do was stutter. He pulled you in for a hug saying "It's going to be fine. You can get through this your strong, beautiful, and just amazing. Just tell me this is the last time." You looked at him and he held out his pinky and you let a small smile appear, before connecting your pinkies and saying "Pinky promise." He then led you over to the couch and you two cuddle until you fell asleep. Him moving hair out of your face and whispering quietly. "Please stop. I can't lose you I love you too much. Please." You did keep your pinky promise and stayed strong, because you ha Niall and that was all that mattered.

Liam: You ran into your home tears streamed down your face, your breath shallow and coming out in gasps, and your head was spinning. All you could think was why me?! Why?! Why?! God dammit why?! You imdetally started to search the kitchen looking for scissors, since Liam was upstairs sleeping. You finally found them, and rolled up your sleeve. You had been cutting for about 4 months, it seemed like it was the only thing you could control in this hell you were stuck in. Just as you were about to make contact scissors to skin, the scissors were ripped from your shaking hands and thrown in the other direction. And you were slammed into somebody's warm body. You breathed in the sent of cool mint and honey. "Why (Y/N)!?" He said quietly his voice breaking. "I-I just can't take it anymore Li-Liam it's just too much. I-I...." You barley manage to get out. "Shh it's okay. I'm here. I'll help. You'll be okay. I promise." You just looked at him pulling his face into yours for a kiss the then saying "I love you Liam." "I love you too sweetheart and we'll get through this. But no more. Okay." You nodded an hugged him. And he was right you did make it through that and never again did it happen.

Zayn: You woke an saw Zayn wasn't in be with you, but there was a note. Sorry babe had to leave for the studio. I'll call soon. xxx. You had to smile and quickly walked down the stairs going to make pancakes, maybe this would be a good. Oh how you were so wrong. As soon as you finished the pancakes the phone rang and it was you mum. You both ended getting in a huge fight, then you went on twitter and saw all the hate, that brought a few tears to escape. So much for a good day. You walked up stairs the growing sadness making it hard to breath. You made it to the bathroom and started looking for the razor you had hidden. When you found it you rolled down your pants to revel the semi faded marks and lines. You ha made only two when you heard the door open and a voice call out "BABEZ? IM BACK!". You quickly pulled your sleeve down and rushed around cleaning everything up. You then opened the door just as Zayn was about to knock on it. "Hi." You said a little outta breath. "Hey (Y/N), meeting got cut short so you have me for the ret if the day." He smiled. "Great." You joked and he mocked fake hurt until you kissed him lightly on the lips. "(Y/N)?" He asked quietly. "Hhm." You replied, you then followed his eyes to see your shirt that was starting to turn a scarlet color. "Why are you bleeding." He asked while carefully pulling up your sleeve, before you could protest he already had it up and his mouth dropped open. He quickly pulled you into the bathroom and cleaned your cuts and covered them. He then looked you in the eyes saying "I love you. Please stop. I-I can't lose you." You just hugged him tightly and whispered "I'm not going anywhere." It was a struggle, but you managed to stop.

Louis: You knew you had to tell him. You both based your relationship on trust which meant no secrets yet here you are keeping the biggest secret from him. You cut, a lot. You walked down the stairs towards the living room were he was watching the football game. "Louis?" You asked tentatively. "Yeah love?" He asked turning around to face you. "Can I-I um talk to you...?" You asked quietly looking down. "Of course love. Come." He said waving you over. You slowly made it over and saw he had paused the game and was sitting crisscross applesauce in front of you. You mirrored his actions and took a deep breath calming your jumpy nerves. Just a little. "Well I-I sorta have something I've been well I'm keeping from y-yo-you." You said quietly looking down and fiddling with your fingers. "Whatever it is (Y/N), I'll understand okay." He said while lifting up your chin so you were forced to look at him. You nodded and gulped. It was now or never. "Lo-Louis, I-I-I cu-cut." You said shakily looking into his eyes to see any emotion, but all he did was smash your lips together before saying, "I'm glad you told me, but no more of this okay? I love you. And everything will be alright okay?" You nodded your head hugging him while saying "I live you too Louis." And he was right everything did turn out just fine.

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