Something cute you two do as a couple

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A small one to make up for how long it took me to update. Enjoy :)

Something cute you two do as a couple

Harry: You two go out in public in matching outfits or just matching shirts, stealing kisses and swinging your intertwined hands back and forth. The fans and paparazzi can't ever get enough.

Liam: You two will start randomly dancing in the middle of streets and sidewalks together. And once you both stop he pulls you in for a kiss. There are more than just a few videos of this out on YouTube.

Niall: You'll always share food as you two are just out and about, but the fans favorite is when you share ice cream, because you always shove it in each others noses and kiss it off.

Zayn: You'll both go around taking photos of each other and both of you together; stealing kisses, funny faces, posing, and hugging. Some how most of them end up all over twitter, tumblr, and Instagram.

Louis: You two always go out for morning tea whenever you can. You make sure to go to the same cafe, but always try different teas and share each others an maybe have a cup or two. Fans love this little tradition you both made up.

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