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Mary's pov:

I laid in bed extremely bored as Leo was just gliding his pen on paper out of boredom, "Leo" I called and he immediately turned his to me "yes, my dear?" He said calmly "entertain me" I smiled "I don't have anything in mind that might entertain yo-" just before Leo could finish his sentence the door was broken down,

"Miss Mary!!!" Ollie quickly hid behind me "eh? What is it?" I said confusedly, Leon immediately ran into the room "OLLIE GET BACK HERE!" Leon yelled, Ollie just stuck her tongue out and hid behind me "haha..what's going between you two anyways?" I asked giggling quite a bit "brother has a crush on-" Ollie said but Leon immediately covered her mouth to shut her up

"Don't listen to her Mary!" He said shyly as Ollie kept struggling in his arms "I'll buy you cupcakes if you shut up!" Leon yelled, Ollie just nodded and promised to keep her mouth shut, Leon sighed and let Ollie go "good, I'll buy you your cupcakes later..I'm busy for now" Leon said "Leon, we both know you've got nothing to do"

"E-ehm...you always know.." Leon whined and just sat besides me on the bed "of course I do." Leo said sternly "now... who's your guys crushes?" I blurted out to end the painful silence,

Leo: "you"
Leon: "I don't have one!"
Ollie: "myself"
Mary: "Leo"

Of course Leo wasn't actually my crush, in fact I actually do have one I just said Leo because- wait..did he just say me? "Sure you don't have one big bro.." Leo smirked "I swear I don't have one!" He was getting embarrassed "alright, alright..I'm sorry" Leo laughed and just turned his head back to his paper "what are you doing there anyways?"

I peaked over Leo's shoulder to see Him just drawing "you never told me you were interested in art" I say as I watched him draw "oh yeah, Leo is basically the artist of the family, haha" Leon smiled, I continued watching Leo draw as I stood behind him, suddenly he stopped drawing, "Mary, come here" he says in a rather demanding tone, I obeyed and walked besides him,

He pulled me into his lap "L-Leo..?" I stutter as I feel his arm wrap around my torso "you might get tired from standing...just sit on my lap, alright?" He whispered into my ear as he picked up the pencil and continued drawing, he would place a kiss on my cheek or neck once in a while whilst in the middle of drawing, "you guys make me feel alone." Leon whined falling back on the bed,

I laughed and looked at him "don't worry Leon, I bet you will get the courage to talk to your crush soon!" I teased "i don't have one! I'm too old for this crush thing!" He said "oh really? How old are you?" I asked "27" he answered stoically "what's your crushes age?" I asked curiously "25" he answered "who is your crush?" I asked hoping he'd lose track and eventually spit it out "fine, if you wanna know so bad, my crush is your sister alright!" He said embarrassed "m-my sister..Jess?"

I was shocked "yes...I've been talking and hanging out to her these past few days.." he answered, a knock was heard from the door, Leon opened the door to see a butler "sir Leon, miss Jess is waiting for needs you" the butler said smiling sweetly "a-ah! Alright.." Leon quickly stormed out of the room and the butler closed the door, Ollie too eventually left,

It was now just me and Leo, I smiled and turned back to what Leo was drawing, my eyes widened "do..you like it?" He asks shyly as he held the detailed drawing of me in his hand "I love it!" I said happily as I held the drawing in my hand, Leo wrapped his arms around me and kissed my forehead "that's good..!" He smiled, he looked around and saw we're the only ones in the room,

"The other two left already?" He asked "yeah," I answered, I hopped off his lap and grabbed my satchel "where are you going?" He asks "just in town I feel like going out today "I'm coming with you!" He said "okay" I smiled and dragged him with me...

Just a lil boring chapter,

❦𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓟𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓬𝓮'𝓼 𝓹𝓮𝓪𝓼𝓪𝓷𝓽 ❦ | Prince x PeasantWhere stories live. Discover now