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Ollie's pov:

I woke up with the sun shining through my windows...that was a lie, I woke up because of the loud annoying gossiping in my room "have you heard the mailman was cheating on his wife?!" "Oh uh okay." "He was too good for her anyways so good for him!" He kept rambling and rambling about some people's cheating husband's and wife and I had enough of it,

So I joined! "Oh my gosh, seriously?! That's all you have?, Well actually did you guys like know about the vegetables in the market were like ALL plastic like ew!!!" I gossiped "omg seriously! Your definitely the gossip queen, Ollie like how do you know all this stuff??" Oliver chuckled "I have my ways~" I laughed,

•{after 5 hours of gossiping about divorced husbands, divorced wives, fake food, fake relationships, fake smiles, fake happyness, no bitches, no meaning, no life, no point, no family, no girlfriend, no friends,, no husband's, no boyfriends, no house, no successful life, no proud parents, no proud family, no happy life, no good food, no happyness, no loving family members, no therapist, no psychologist, no help, no caring friends, no self love}•


Let's check on Mary!

Mary's pov:

He kept kissing my cheek as if I'm his girlfriend "ohh~ your always Soo cuteee when you look like that!!!" He said in such a loving tone as if he didn't just almost kill me "Get away from me you cruel bastard..!" I gritted my teeth "awh~ I'll make sure you love me soon don't worry~!" He said smiling.

Let's go back to ollie's pov...!

Ollie's pov:

After all that, we all went back to the bakery we've already identified the kidnapper of Mary and where he lives thanks to ranboo, "alright I so, we're ganna get Keith to let us in his house for a small talk, but your ganna be the one being invited, Oliver" I said "what?! Why me?" Oliver protested "because, your the closes one to Keith, none of us even know him."  Answered.

Oliver's pov:

I hesitantly knocked On Keith's door, I see the door slightly open and Keith's head popped up "oh..! Hello Oliver, what brings you here..?" He said with a wide grin "oh,I just wanted to pay you as an old friend of mine a visit!" *I smiled innocently "oh..well then," he moved aside and opened the door wide open inviting me open,

I causally walked inside seeing the nicely decory but not to overly cluttered "wow, your place looks nice!" I complemented, even though I now hate this guy's guts I have to say that he has a nice house.., i lead me to the living room and sat me on the couch which was perfect, it had a window.

Keith brought a few snacks and laid them on the table "so, is there anything you need or want to talk about?" Keith asked innocently "actually, yes." I spoke softly "well?" Keith looked at me curiously

"They're here."


"Wha -"

Before Keith could even complete a single word, a..bench..? Came in by the window making it shatter to pieces and basically falling on Keith "agh! What the hell?!" Keith winced in pain, the three arond, Ollie, and Ranboo jumped through the window "you could have just took the door." I said slightly laughing,

Us four rushed down the basement to see Mary heavily abused "Mary!" I quickly ran to her and brought her face up, I see her eyes light up when she sees us all "O-oliver..?" She teared up, I wiped her tear away and smiled "it's okay now, we'll get out of here." I said comfortingly, I started to untie her,

"I won't let you get in the way of our love!!" I heard Keith yell, I look back to see him with a knife, I stood up "stop this, your not the Keith I know..!" I yelled, Keith's expression just got more angrier, he threw the knife at me when suddenly...


(A cake of dots.)


Arond, had jumped Infront of me, the knife stabbed through his chest, he fell to the ground, I stared at his lifeless(?) Body on the ground not moving at all, "Leave. Before you all get hurt." Keith said threateningly, Ollie was to shocked and afraid to even move while I could see Ranboo clenching his fists,

•{a few minutes later}•

Ollie's pov:

I stared at my three friends lying on the ground injured my knives, I was shocked and afraid I didn't know what to do, I looked at Mary fearfully and her eyes were filled with sorrow, I could see the tears streaming down her cheeks, I walked up to arond, I pulled the knife off his chest,

"Come at me!!" I yelled with a slight hint of fear" Keith sprinted towards me holding a knife tightly in his hands ready to attack me, I quickly moved out of the way letting him stumble, I grabbed the collar of his shirt from the back and pushed him, I slipped and fell hitting his head at the edge of a cabinet,

I kicked his body in hope of knocking him out, when I saw his body not move I quickly took a run for it, I quickly untied Mary and tried holding the three injured up, thankfully Oliver and Ranboo were still conscious, but they still needed help for walking, Mary held over and Arond while I held or more like dragged him back up,

Leo's pov:

I stood outside Mary house remembering her everyday routine, I smiled softly "Br-Brother!!!" I heard a familiar voice say, I turned my head to see my little sister and Mary, my eyes widened and I quickly ran towards Mary giving her a tight hug "Mary," breathless, I spoke "hold on mister, how about we get these three plus me bandaged up or something first?" Mary spoke laughing softly,

"A-ah..yes of course,"

•{in the amazing castle my emo babygirl lives in}•

The maids bandaged up the three injured whilst arond had to stay in a room to heal, as I sat besides Mary on her bed I couldn't help but cry, I leaned closer to her and hugged her gently "I missed you so much, Mary.., I was so worried..!" I cried in her arms, she weakly wrapped her arms around me "ohh, why suddenly care so much now? I thought I'm just your fake girlfriend?" Mary joked

I realized and remembered our terms and conditions "well, yeah..I just uhm..got worried..!"


Sorry for the late Post, shorty (that was Targeted), I've just been so so busy with school but I'm also trying to write since it's kinda my passion but yeah, I hope you liked this chapter..!

❦𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓟𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓬𝓮'𝓼 𝓹𝓮𝓪𝓼𝓪𝓷𝓽 ❦ | Prince x PeasantWhere stories live. Discover now