Chapter-35:A shoulder to cry on

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After my encounter with Aabir,I headed to one of the guestrooms to cool off my mind and to relieve myself.

"What does he think of himself ,huh?"my voice echoed in the washroom as I turned the tap on to wash my hands.

"He think he can treat me as he pleases,huh?"I just couldn't shake the anger and resentment yet that consumed me since our encounter.

"But why does it bother me so much?I am really good at avoiding people who doesn't treat me well.Then why can't I just ignore his existence just like he ignores mine?"As I questioned myself ,looking at the mirror in front ,my mind filled with turmoil and confusion.

I was wiping my hands with a tissue paper while grappling with the complexities of my emotions when I heard the door of the room slammed open,indicating someone's entry into the room.

Dropping the used tissue paper in the dustbin,I made my way towards the washroom door and was about to open it when I heard a familiar voice.

"We should talk."I paused with my hand on the door knob,hearing Umang.

"About what?I have nothing to say."It was Simi.

What's happening outside?

"What Misha and you were talking about?Who is this 'Arjun' guy?And what was all that courting ,marriage stuffs ?"Umang demanded,his voice tinged with frustration.

"You must be out of your mind.Why should I explain everything to you?"Simi snapped.

"What should I do?"I whispered to myself,feeling trapped in an awkward situation.

Should I just go out and tell them to hold their fight for a minute and let me get out of the room.But it would be awkward for them, isn't it?

But it's also not polite to eavesdrop on the personal conversation of other people either,right?

My thought interrupted by Umang's voice ringing out in the charged atmosphere.

"Is he the same guy who dropped you couple of times at the college and also came to pick you up on the engagement night?"Umang queried,his voice tinged with a hint of bitterness.

"Yes,So what?"Simi retorted.

"Why would you let him court you?Why would you agree to go on dates with him?"Umang's voice raising with frustration.

Analyzing the whole situation and listening to their ongoing conversation,I chose to stay hidden.If I make them acknowledge my presence now,it would be really awkward and embarrassing for them.

"What's wrong in it?I am single.I am free to be with anyone I want.It has nothing to do with you.We broke up already."Simi said in an edgy yet patient tone.

"You are the one who wanted to break up."Umang retorted.

"Because that's what best for us.And I
know at the back of your mind, that's what you wanted too."Simi responded,her voice trembling slightly.

Then there was a moment of silence between them,the weight of accusations hanging in the air.

"So you serious about dating him?"Umang voice peirced through the tensed atmosphere after a long painful silence.

"He's good guy.I don't see anything wrong giving it a try."Simi replied nonchalantly.

There was another silence for a minute and then the sound of the door opening and closing echoed through the room.

Did they left? That's it?

I released the breathe that I didn't know I was holding , then turned the door knob and pulled open the door.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21 ⏰

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