Y/n, Arien

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I woke to a voice. God was it beautiful. I slowly opened my eyes and saw a boy. His blue eyes and dark red hair...or was it solid black or solid red just the lighting? Then I felt Grimbsley hoist me up from my underarms. "Thank the gods your alright. Your parents were so worried." He said. "Who was that? That boy. He...he saved me. And his voice damn I got chills." I said. He laughed. "I think you swallowed to much seawater princess. Let's get you back to the palace and help you feel better. He dragged me back to the palace. My parents ran up to me hugging me and telling me to never be so selfless. I then looked over their shoulders and saw Eric. "I'm glad your okay. But next time actually listen to me." I rolled my eyes prying myself away from my parents. "When have I ever listened to you? And besides I saved everyone." I then left and the servants started a bath.

After that I felt so much better. But I still couldn't get that boy out of my head. And apparently I suck at hiding things because Eric wanted to know what was going on with me. I took him to my room and we sat on my bed. "This boy saved me. He was beautiful I could tell even if I only saw him for a moment. I felt so safe in his arms and his voice. Oh I know he felt the same because he sang and his voice was full of love. Oh i just have to see him again, at least to thank him for saving me." By the time my ramble was over he was smirking. "Wow you finally had a shot to get some bitches and Grimbsley blew it for you, sounds about right." I fell back on the bed. "What do I do?" I asked. "You could host a ball with all the boys in the land, like the one prince did when looking for his bride."


"Oh Sebastian!" King Triton called. Sebastian gulped and swam over to him. "Is there anything you want to tell me? Hmm?" He said with a knowing smirk. "Oh I um..." Sebastian stuttered. "I know you've been keeping something from me." He said. That was it. Sebastian broke. "I tried to stop him, sir!! He just wouldn't listen! I told him to stay away from humans, about how they are bad, they are trouble-"



"He just doesn't understand Flounder, nobody does. I just never have and still don't feel home here and now I found it, it's with her." I said talking to Flounder. He has some sort of surprise for me. "But what about your family? Won't they miss you?" He said. "Yes, but lots of kids leave their parents after they come of age." I replied. "I would miss you." Flounder said. "Really?" I asked with a smile. "Well it's not like we can't see each other, we'll just not see each other as often." That seemed to calm Flounders nerves. "Now what is this suprise you want to show me?" I ask lightening the mood. "You'll see, if I tell you it won't be a surprise now will it?" He said. We eventually made it to the cave full of my human things. And right in the middle of it is a statue of of the girl, I think her name is Y/n and another guy next to her. My eyes lit up as I rushed towards it. "Oh Flounder you're the best! It looks just like her and it has her eyes!" I say fawning over Y/n's side. I laugh happily and swim around it getting the full 360 but as I'm done with my spin I see dad at the entryway.

"Daddy!" I say shocked. Flounder goes and hides behind a chest. "I consider myself a reasonable merman. I set certain rules, and I expect those rules to be followed." He said clearly angry. "But daddy-!" I try to explain but he asks another question. "Let me guess, this is the human you apparently rescued from drowning?" He said. "I had to! I couldn't just let her die!" I say. "Contact is strictly forbidden! You know that!" He yelled. I feel like I'm talking to a wall. "But she would have died!" I yell. "One less human to worry about." He said. That was the final straw I lost my temper and words just fell out my mouth. "You don't know anything about her! You don't know anything about humans either! The only reason she drowned was because she put everyone else above of herself! I won't just take hearing this about the one I love!" I gasped realizing I said that. "HAVE YOU LOST YOUR MIND COMPLETELY!?! She's human!" He screamed. "I don't care!" I yelled back. "So help me Arien.... I am going to get through to you one way or another!" His trident then began to glow. Then lightning like beam shit through the room. He began to destroy all my artifacts. "Stop! You have to stop!" But my pleas fell of deaf ears. Then his eyes narrowed on the statue. "No you can't stop! No!!" But he blew it to pieces. I then collapse right next to it. He then left Sebastian must have been able to see from my face what I was feeling. "Arien I.."

"Just leave. Both of you."

I then began to bang my tail against the walls and break the things that weren't artifacts and were therefore untouched until I collapsed with tears escaping my eyes. "Poor child."

"Poor sweet boy."

"Quite the predicament he's in."

"Oh we could help with that though."

I staggered back tears stopping. "Who the hell are you!?" I yell. "No need to be hostile."

"We represent someone who can help."

I look at them confused but interested. "I'm sure you've heard of Ursala the sea witch." I look down at the piece of the statues head. "Okay."

They then agreed to take me to her. We left and they both lead the way. "Arien!? Where are you going?" Sebastian said. "I'm going to see Ursala." I said chin up high still very pissed off at him. He then grabbed onto my fins. "Arien you can't she a demon a monster!" He pleaded. "Let go and tell my father what I'm doing! You're good at that." I then shake him off. We eventually made it to her lair. "This way." Both the eels say at the same time. We padded through a garden of souls. "Come in my child." I saw her, Ursala. She came in and sat down at the vanity. "So your here because you have this thing for a human girl. This princess fellow. Not that I blame you, she's quite the catch." A twinge of envy flashed in me but it left quickly. "The only way to get what you want, is to become a human yourself." She said after applying lipstick. "You can do that right?" She then proceed to talk about her business and how she helps merfolk with various things.

She then grabbed me with seaweed. "Now, here's the deal. I will make you a potion that will turn you into a human for 3 days. Got that? Three days. Now listen up this is the important part, before the sun sets on the third month you've got to get dear ol princess to tell you her biggest secret. And not just tell you but to love and trust you enough with it. If this happens your remain human permanently, but if it doesn't you'll turn back into a mermaid and belong to me." She said. "Have we got a deal?" She asked. "If I become human, I'll never be able to live with my family or sisters again." I though out loud. "That's right, but you'll have your girl. Life's full of tough choices huh? Oh and there is one more thing, we haven't discussed the issue of payment. You can't get something for nothing." She said. "But my father destroyed all I had-" I worriedly said. "I'm not asking much. Just a token really a trifle, you'll never even miss it. What I want from you, is your voice."

I instinctively touched my throat. "My...voice...?" I ask in slight disbelief. "But without my voice how will I be able to-" She then cut me off again. "You'll have your looks, you're pretty face!" She then continues on talking about how this either won't matter or even be a good thing for me. While she was doing this she was mixing up the potion and then made a golden contract. After a bunch of rushed thinking I signed it. She then cast a spell gaining two magic claws cast in a green light. "Now...sing!" I began to vocalize. The hands then got closer and closer. "Keep singing!" It whips around me and then they go down my throat. When they leave my voice is gone, it's in their hands. I see my voice go into her shell necklace and then suddenly magic is making float. And then my tails splits into two legs. Then the magic bubble pops and I'm human. Who can't breathe underwater. Sebastian and Flounder help me back up to the surface. Once there I lift my head up from the water, my hair splashing.

I did it....I'm...I'm human!

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