The Start of Something

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One day i woke up, i knew something was wrong, i wasn't in my own bed, i was on the couch? At this moment i have no idea whats going on.

After i just did everything normally, i went to school at 7:30, 1st block, i have science, honestly it was kinda boring, i did sit with one of my friends his name was Aomine, hes cool, we did a project.

The project was the one non-boring part of the class, me and Aomine were partners, and he knows that i have a crush one this one girl, and i didnt tell him her name but she makes me really happy, and right now i just have Aomine and her.

"Me and my crush hung out after school, she is really funny and that me and her have some things in common, but i think she doesn't notice the friendship we have and that we might become something more.

So after we hung out, i asked if we could maybe go on a date, and she said yes, at that point i felt like the most happiest person in the world and the luckiest.

I told her that we could walk to a place, because we were walking around town, and that we went to a restaurant nearby the place we were walking.

And that because we were walking around, both of us went to the restaurant, and that we both ordered the stuff we wanted, and we talked the whole time smiling and laughing and right there, i felt a rush, i got butterflies.

Now we were finished with out date and after the date i decided that, i was gunna ask her out, i asked her out and surprisingly she said yes, and i also said thank you for this, ill try my best to make you the happiest person i can." ( after school ) 

After 1st block, i went straight to 2nd block, and my crush is in all my classes, 2nd block  i have Geometry, and its to boring, so i'm not gunna tell the whole "story" of the class.

Now  3rd block, and 3rd block is basically 3 separate classes, which it goes like this for me.

Lunch, then i go to a smaller class of phy ed, and right after i get changed and then i go to another class which i don't want to talk about and then i go to my last class of the day.

( after the date ) Now i dropped my crush of at home and then after that, i went home right after and at that point i felt like i had butterflies, i kept thinking of her through out the night.

After thinking of her most of the night, i finally slept and in the morning i had breakfast, and i completely forgot that was the last day of school, and its now the summer and i didnt forget to talk to my girlfriend throughout the school year and the weekend.

The day it started......Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz