How Im a hard worker

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Becoming one of those prodigies is what I want to be. I work a lot, when I say I work a lot I do. But even if it's late, I'll work and that reminds me to have a good mentality or I will fall apart.

When i fall apart that is when the problems start, when someone falls apart in a sport, at that point they could quit the sport completely even though they love the sport with there heart.

I love the sport basketball, i came really close to quitting completely, and that some people take it too far and when people do that is exactly when problems start in the sport, the worst thing about being in a sport like basketball some people start saying things and start saying things that say that your way of playing basketball is nothing and there's is way better.

What i am trying to say is that, "Don't even try to quit the sport you love with your heart, its hard to go back to something if you used to hate it, if you start hating it with a passion and completely give up on it, and later on you try to come back, and try the sport again, it wont be the same since you once hated the sport with a passion, dont quit, if you really love the sport you wont completely quit on it, stay, don't quit the sport. 

Mentality is key.

Don't break, keep going and going.

Keep loving that sport until the sport is completely forgotten by everyone else but you keep playing it because i know you love that sport if you play one.

I stayed loving basketball, because i know deep down in my heart,  if i give up on basketball completely, it would completely break me and i wont be able to come back if i completely give up and that i should keep loving basketball until everyone including me forgets it.

So don't  give up on your favorite sport and keep loving it!!

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