🎸screw life🎸

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                          | 30th March 1986 |
*Sage's POV*

I couldn't feel anything for days after I found out..I just stared at my ceiling and didn't speak to anyone. I fucked up. Mom saw me hurt myself again.
"You have to stop doing this to yourself,Sage! You're fucked up!" Mom snapped.
"I-I'm sorry mom.." I said with tears rolling down my face "I can't help it.." I said hopelessly
"Oh don't give me that bull shit! You wanna die?! You wanna die so you can be happy?! What the fuck is wrong with you!?" Mom roared, she then stormed out of my room.

I wish she could feel how I feel. My brother, the only person I ever cared about is dead. I can't feel anything, I'm numb. I broke down and started to sobbed quietly so mom couldn't hear me. I rolled my left sleeve down and put my head into my knees and continued to sob. A few minutes goes by and I finally stopped crying and whipped my tears.I grabbed my battle jacket,and walked passed my mom,out of the door.

I had to go to Eddie's memorial, the hellfire club made for him. It makes me feel as if he was still here, I always go their if I feel down. I got onto my bike and rode to the woods, the woods where the placed it the memorial.

* Penny's POV *

Me,the cheerleaders and the basketball team were hanging out at a basketball court not far from Hawkins high. Me and Frank were talking,we've been close ever since that bastard, Eddie Munson killed our brothers. We were talking until Frank looked over my shoulder and squinted.
"Is that, the freaks sister, Sage?" He asked
I looked behind me and it was Sage Munson, the bitch who I've always hated ever since the 1st grade. It looks like she was riding to woods next to Hawkins high.
"Where is she going?.." I questioned
"I..don't know, wanna go check it out?" Frank asked. I turned to him and grinned.
"I have an idea,stay here" I added as I stood up.

"Where are you going?" Frank asked
"To get revenge, that freaks brother killed our brothers and he made the town more shit. I don't want that to destroy the world" I explained furiously as I glared at Frank. "I'll be back." I added

I made my way to the woods next to Hawkins high, coincidentally, where the Munson girl was heading. I know what she was doing, she's going to finish what the freak hadn't completed. After a few seconds, I was at the entrance of the woods, I saw the freaks bike on the floor. I knew she was at the memorial probably doing some demon shit. I marched through the words and heard something. I stopped and heard sobbing.
"Bingo.." I mumbled to myself. I walked to where I heard the cries from and eventually saw Sage sat at the memorial.

*Sage's POV *

I observed the memorial,covered in some of Eddie's favourite tapes from his favourite metal bands, hellfire shirt, guitar picks and his skull bandana that his always had on him. I picked up the bandana and just focused on it. He wore it all the time when we lived together as a family before my dad went behind bars and my mom kicked him out and became a drunk. I heard leaves russling behind me, I turned my head quickly and saw no one. It was probably a squirrel. I faced back to the memorial and looked at the photos with him and his club that he ran called Hellfire Club.I placed the bandana back where it was and admired the rest of the things.

"Well isn't this a nice surprise." A voice said behind me. I turned to see who it was,it was Penny. I stood up and faced her.
"You followed me..didn't you?" I stated
"Maybe." She smirked and walked slowly towards me.
"You know, it scares me what I want to do to you or what I willdo to you." She grinned

* Dustin's POV *

"Come on, guys this way!" I called to the others. The others sighed.
"We've been walking for hours!" Will groaned.
"Yeah! Thanks to Steve!" Ryan shouted
"It's not my fault the car broke down!"
"Jesus Christ! Everyone stop yelling!" Robin roared. Everyone fell silent until I heard a girls scream and stopped.
"What was that?" I mumbled to myself

"Dude, why did you stop?" Lucas asked. I shushed him and listened. The scream came again, it was from the woods. I ran towards the woods where I heard the screams.
"Dustin?" Steve said. I ignored and ran into the woods.
"Stop! Stop! Please!" A girl begged. I ran faster.
"Dustin! Where are you going?!" Steve called
"Just follow me!" I replied back . I reached to where they were.

One girl was punching the other girl repeatedly. On the other hand, the girl on the floor..I swear I've seen her somewhere.
"Hey! Ladies! Cut it out!" Steve commanded as he rushed past me to them. Steve grabbed the girl off of the other and held her back.
"No! Let me go!" The girl struggled. I helped the girl who was on the floor and noticed who she is.
"Sage?" I said breathless
"Oh my god, Dustin." They realised as they sat up.
"Fuck you Sage! And your weird ass brother! I'm glad he's dead!" The girl said from behind me and Sage. The others arrived at the time she said that. Sage looked heartbroken yet furious at the same time.
"Awww what you gonna do weirdo? Go and get Satan to come kill me like your brother did to mine?!" The girl roared with anger

Save got up and marched towards the girl.
"Fuck you, Penny." They said before punching her straight in the face, making her nose bleed.
"Should we do something?" I whispered to Ryan,the closest to me
"Yeah." He mumbled back.

"Come on ladies! Knock it off, Penny go with you basketball loving dickheads." Ryan ordered
Steve let go of Penny and Penny stormed off.
"Thanks.." Sage said to Steve
"No problem,kid. Here let us help you get cleaned up." Steve said softly as he led them to us

* Eleven's POV *

After a few minutes, I called my dad from the nearest phone. He came with Joyce to pick us up.
"They're here Sage, come on." Dustin comforted as he led her to the car.
"Hey..you must be Sage, right?" Joyce comforted as she brought her first aid kit with her
"Yeah,that's me" Sage smiled faintly. Joyce sat her down and placed the kit next to Sage and opened it.
"Hey kid." Dad said when he stood next to me
"Hey dad." I replied
"You see what happened?" He asked
"Not all of it but I think Dustin did. He ran the fastest" I explained
"Alright, thanks kid" He thanked as he walked to Dustin.

A few minutes went by and Joyce had finished cleaning up Sage's wounds.
"Hey um, is there anyone we can call? Your mom or something?" Jonathon asked. Sage shook her head.
"My mom wouldn't answer..she won't answer." Sage explained
"Maybe your uncle?" Dustin suggested
"I don't want him to panic, he's probably depressed about..well you know.." Sage said
"Maybe you could come to mine or something" Mike suggested "Along with the others, we could maybe play dnd in my basement"

Sage smiled. "Yeah, that sounds good"


Hey guys! How did you find the first chapter?

Next chapter coming soon !!!

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