🦇the dnd didaster🦇

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*Mike's POV*
After all that happened, we took Sage to my house to , as I promised, play dnd in my basement. I felt bad for Sage. She didn't do jack shit and she got beaten up because of what people believe that Eddie never did? God why is the world like this? Sage started to read out the script for the game just like the way Eddie did.

"Do any of you here that?..Huge footsteps coming from behind Will the wise.. What do you do?! Do you turn around or run for your life?!" Sage questioned. Will grabbed the dice and rolled a 2, that means he runs for his life.
"And he's a runner ladies,gents and non-binary's! Oh!.." Sage had a concerned look on their face as they looked closer.
"I-I can't believe it.." said Sage

"What is it? Do I die?!" Will panicked
"You totally die,dude" Dustin smiled
There was silence going on for at least 5 seconds.
"There's another monster..one bigger than the rest..3 heads..razor sharp teeth..it's the-the" Will interrupted
"The what?! The what?!" Will was begging to know, he loves dnd more than anything and he takes it very seriously.
"It's the king of all monsters! It's Chernobog!!" Sage yelled

I looked at Will and realised something. I don't think he wasn't playing along with game..something was wrong. His eyes were rolled  back and he was slightly shaking.
"Will?" Sage asked
"Someone get his favourite song!! What's his favourite song?!" Everyone panicked.

Sage,Gareth,Ryan and I looked at each other,scared for our fucking lives. What the fuck is happening? Is this what happened to Max?

*Will's POV*

I was back in the place I wish I never saw again. The upside down.
"No,no,no,no! Mike?!" I yelled as I stood up from off the ground.
"Mike?!?!?" I yelled again. I heard scales sliding against the floor and growling creeping closer and closer towards me. Please tell me with is a mother fucking dream.

"Mom?!? Johnathan?!" I yelled with tear's running down my face. I heard yelling of my friends, they were panicking. But I could also see myself.. I was floating in mid air..
"What's his favourite song?!"
"I don't fucking know!!"
"Jonathan!! Joyce!!"
I turned my head to see them panicking and running around. I started to run. I heard growls from right behind me so I ran even faster.

"Oh my god!! My baby!!" Mom yelled
"Mom I'm coming!!" I cried. I heard more and more horrible noises coming from behind me. I was  at the cloud where my family and friends were. I jumped through the cloud.

*Ryan's POV*

I was petrified. Will suddenly dropped and breathed heavily in a panic. Hopper and Joyce ran over to him and checked if he was ok. Even Mrs Wheeler came, she was in total shock.
"What..the..fuck.." Sage stuttered. I felt someone's hand on top of mine..It was Gareth's, he was shaking too. I looked at him.
"You ok?" Gareth asked, I answered with a nod. He asked the same to Sage. They also nodded.

Steve came running down.
"Holy shit.." He said breathlessly, he looked at the three of us.
"They don't know.." he realised.
Hopper and Joyce turned their heads and looked at us with realisation.
"Joyce..what's going on?" Mrs Wheeler asked
"W-Will had another episode th-that's all." Mike stuttered. She nodded and walked up the stairs cluelessly.
"I-is that what happened to Max..?" I asked. Everyone looked at each other and looked at us again.

"I-is that how..Eddie died?.." Sage said with tears forming.
"We've got a lot to explain.." Dustin announced

~a few minutes go by~

"So..this all started back in '83 when Will went missing?" Gareth repeated. Dustin nodded.
"And then you three found Eleven?" Sage asked "and you found out that she could find Will who's was in the upside down?"
Dustin nodded again.
"And then you found him and figured there's a monster?" I repeated.
"Which is the Demogorgan. Yep." Hopper nodded

"And then other shit happens and you find out there are more monsters?" Gareth repeated. Steve nodded.
"And then this year you find out that there's a guy who controls these things?" Sage repeated.
"Vecna." Dustin said
"001" Eleven said
"Henry" Robin said all at the same time.
We looked confused by them.

Sage scoffed.
"This is such bullshit." Sage said
"No it's not." Eleven said seriously
Sage glared at Eleven. Sage stood up and slowly walked to her as she spoke.
"Really? Then if you have magical power, then how come you didn't save my brother,huh?" Sage
was right, if Eleven knows everything then how come she didn't save him?
"Or are you like the others,that look at me and Eddie and think 'oh they're a bunch of trailer park junkies who are gonna end up like assholes like their parents'?"

Sage was furious. Sage wanted all this bull shit to be over and done with.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2022 ⏰

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