
9 0 0

The slight tapping of the rain on the Little tin roof that protects the apartment was creating an overpowering and quite anoying sound. The grumbles of thunder in far off places was rolling in from the hills, and there was a certain unease in the air. Little Astria could feel it which led her to shriek out a frail cry that cut the almost painfully repetitive tapping. The house was empty and cold, which wasn't that uncommon, Astria's father was out as usual and wouldn't be back any time soon. Her uncle Remus was supposed to be over soon, but as the minutes ticked by that seemed more and more unlikely.

The shrieks that came from the little white crib in the corner of a brown and dusty living room were cut short by a firm knock on the door. Whoever was on the other side was most definitely not Remus, for he had a spare key, it would simply be silly for her father to knock on his own door. The knock came again and this time with a bit more force, after another minute or two there was a bit of mumbled chatter and a quick spell before about five well dressed people came topling into the apartment. All of them had a shiny gold namwtag that said ministry of magic on the corners. Their eyes searched around the room with a look that would have told even the dumbest individual that they were at least a little scared.

Agent 1-" what exactly are we looking for again?"
Agent 2-" we don't quite know, but he was on their side, so it could be anything, so keep your eyes open"

For the next few minutes the agents walked around the room looking for anything they would consider suspicious. Eventually one of the agents walked over to the little white crib and looked inside, only to find two little green eyes staring up at her.

Agent 3-" ummm.. hey guys, I think I found somthing, or rather, someone"

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Nov 12, 2022 ⏰

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