part 1

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When I was a kid my family never really cared. When I was about 9 my family always thru a party on Saturdays one day my uncle let us have beer and as I was gonna get my 2 beer he touched me and he tend to keep doing these things like he would force me to touch him and I never did till he made me do stuff that will haunt me till this day. My parents never cared they said it was my fault and told me I was a mastake. I forgave my uncle but I will never trust him ever. When I was 10 I learned some things like self harm and trying to kill myself some days I tried to stanggle myself but I always stopped myself  I even tried to overdose but my dad came in. I always hated myself from that day my uncle hurt me. I became depressed and very anxious started to do drugs and have lots of boyfriends. I would always cut and cut myself just because I wasn't satisfied of myself. On 5/9/09 I cut myself so bad I collapsed on the floor and cut my leg on the toilet and broke it and  got a concussion. When I woke up in the hospital I saw my best friend right there beside me. Later on when the doctor came in they said I needed rehab for a year .a year later I came out I started a fresh new life I got a job and stopped my addictions and got married and had my daughter a year later. I started to follow Gods word and went to church. I look back and seen what I've done and I realized how much God had changed my life my quote is to always trust in God even if your going through something really hard right now I love you whoever is reading this and never put urself down. The End. :)

Growing Up Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon