messy breakup

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I almost wanted to throw up when we turned the corner to see Angelina walking with Alicia Spinner, the two girls stopping mid-conversation when they spotted us. Strangely enough, I felt a burning sensation in my chest that bubbled like a sickly brew inside a cauldron.

I knew it was stupid to feel like that in front of his own girlfriend, so I tried to be nice and waved to her. But of course, she just shot me back a deathly glare.

"What are you doing with her?" Angelina asked before the two of us could even think of what to say.

"We're catching up, you know that we're just friends," Fred explained, taking a few steps away from me to emphasize the "friends" part. Ouch.

"Well looks like catching up time is over, I've been looking for you," she said with a soppy-sweet tone. I caught myself mid-eyeroll, and instead pretended to look off at the ceiling while they walked away.

Goddamn Angelina, she loved to interfere with Fred and I, and he was too blinded by love to realize. Sometimes he had too big of a heart. And me being the selfish friend I was, secretly hoped they wouldn't last much longer... but of course I knew it was wrong of me. And besides, I'm only his friend, and his friend shouldn't decide who his girlfriend should be.

It had finally become dark outside, the beauteous sunset masked by the dark night. It seemed like a common thing in my life nowadays, the light shadowed by deep darkness. It was true, as I had managed to ruin two close friendships in the span of a month, and not only that, but it seemed as if I had made an enemy: Angelina.

I knew she was a sweet girl and she didn't mean any harm, she just got jealous as any other girl would. I had to admit, I was jealous of her and I wasn't even dating Fred. I had nothing against the girl, but it just seemed like we both fought for Fred's attention.

And as his best friend, I knew I had no place fighting for love that Angelina deserved. I decided that I would spend time with him, but when Angelina wanted to be with him alone I would respect the both of them and leave them be.

And so for the remainder of the year I gave them space. I was still Fred's best friend, but I wasn't going to fight to be around him. We still had plenty of time to talk and catch up, but whenever Angelina showed up I would either invite her to join us or leave the two of them alone. Angelina seemed to take notice and began to act kinder, greeting me in the halls and not being so aggressive towards me during Quidditch practice. I was extremely grateful, and decided that maybe the two of them being in a relationship wasn't such a bad thing.

The year finally came to a close, and the events that occurred before the semester finished were quite surprising. It turned out that our Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, Professor Lupin, was a werewolf, and that he and Sirius Black were working together to find one of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named's servants, Wormtail. Apparently, Wormtail was Ron's rat, or at least that's what he told me as he filled me in on the way home from school. Sirius was able to escape the school unharmed with Hagrid's Hippogriff, Buckbeak, and currently they're living in hiding from the Ministry. If that wasn't a crazy end to the school year, then I don't know what would be.

That summer I was reinvited to the Burrow for a fifth time. I was ever-so-grateful that they let me stay with them, as they always were able to keep me away from my nasty father. Not only was I going to stay with the Weasleys this year, but the supposed Quidditch Cup was taking place, and Arthur Weasley had secured tickets for every single one of us - including Harry and Hermione.

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