apparent feelings

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writing writing writing blah blah blah

i actually need to stop procrastinating my writing and make a new chapter

like im 40k words in i need to slap myself in the face and WRITE

(did you like my motivation rant that got me to keep writing)

I grimaced as I turned around and came face-to-face with none other than Snape himself. Fred gasped and covered his mouth as I felt a laugh bubbling in my throat. How ironic that the one teacher that we had yelled about happened to be walking nearby.

I sighed in defeat as Fred and I trudged behind Snape while he led us through the hallway. I had never felt more humiliated in my life - first the shouting incident and now this. This day couldn't get any worse.

We finally entered his classroom and he drawled, "Sit down." We scrambled to sit in two empty chairs and he stepped up a bit so that he was looking down at us superiorly. I could practically carve the sneer out of his face and put it on a caricature as it was extremely distinguishable.

"Would either of you care to explain what that was about..." Snape eyed the both of us suspiciously.

I started sweating a bit as I hated being the center of attention, and for some reason despite that, I had already been targeted by two sinister teachers this year. I fondled my fingernails as I tried my hardest to come up with a valid excuse, but my mind felt as blank as paper.


"It was my fault, Professor," Fred blurted out. My eyes darted over to him as he sat tall. He didn't dare look at me and instead stared Snape down. "Please don't give her a detention, it was all my idea. I'm the one who shouted it. I only did it to take the attention off of her because she had accidentally yelled something out."

Snape's lip curled as he crossed his arms authoritatively, and my heart pumped as he strolled over to Fred's desk and glared down at him.

"There's no need to take any blame for Miss Hendrix, she is perfectly capable of tending to herself. She's clearly smart enough as she does quite well in my class - but you on the other hand, do not."

Fred gulped and I saw the back of his neck turn red - something that I'd only ever seen happen to Ron - and I frowned at the sight. However, within seconds Fred had jumped back to his confident demeanor.

"But you have to it admit it was funny, wasn't it?" he said, and Snape sneered at him angrily.

"10 points from Gryffindor, and if I catch you talking about any professor like that again," Snape walked back up onto his platform and stared down at Fred, "you will be cleaning my classroom for the rest of your days. Understood?"

Fred nodded and I could see the relief washing over his face. I myself felt my heart lighten a bit at the warning Snape had given him. He soon dismissed us with an annoyed look on his face, and I was silently cheering inside once we left quickly and hurried back to the common room without a word, as we were both still scared out of our minds.

Once we had made it inside without any trouble, we collapsed on the couch and exchanged laughs.

"That was terrifying," I sighed, "but you didn't have to take all of the blame, Fred. You may be a big tease, but you're really a nice guy."

Fred scrunched his nose up and crossed his arms. "Eh, I mean I had to pay you back. I'm the reason you freaked out in the cafeteria, and I was the one who yelled about Snape anyways..." He slouched down on the couch as if deep in thought. I looked at him with a glint of suspicion, and he finally spoke his mind.

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