Four Mysterious Space Discoveries

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The mysteries of the universe are endless. Referred to as our final frontier into discovery, space has always contained extraordinary and mind-blowing mysteries since we first pointed our telescopes to the sky. This wonder and amazement have only grown as our technology has developed, allowing us to travel to these destinations we never believed possible. Unfortunately, instead of granting us answers to our questions, it has only led to grander theories and even more puzzling mysteries to surface. In this section, we will be tackling head on these strange and otherworldly findings as we analyze four mysterious space discoveries that humanity has made in recent years but still don't yet fully understand.

Number 1: Hexagon on Saturn

In 1981, as both of the space probes involved in the Voyager mission passed by Saturn and began snapping many different images of its surface, they discovered an anomalous property of the gas giant that is still unanswerable even to this day. Located at the north and south poles of the planet were large open vortexes. This was only made increasingly more mysterious as the probes soon discovered that the North pole vortex created a massive hexagonal pattern on the planet.

This was compounded in its strangeness as future NASA missions would later confirm this anomalous property never before theorized on many of the other planets in the solar system. Juno analyzing a strange hexagonal pattern on the north pole of Jupiter and Voyager 2 noticing vortexes on the poles of Neptune.

Not only was the scientific community baffled by these findings and are still attempting to hypothesize the cause of the anomalous properties, but these discoveries led to a massive outcry from conspiracy theorists of whom had predicted this planetary behavior eons before this observation. The Hollow Earth community pointed to these open vortexes at the north and south poles of the planets as proof of the physics behind the conspiracy theory of the Hollow Earth hypothesis.

In 1947, a man by the name of Admiral Byrd wrote a diary about his events of setting world records around the world. One of these entries included his journey to the north pole, where he claimed he witnessed a massive open vortex that reached inside the earth, when he flew inside, he claimed that there were inhabitants of the inside of the earth that were not human but were entirely aware of human beings, the creation of our weapons of mass destruction and the governments of the world.

Many Hollow Earth Conspiracy theorists pointed to this witness account as evidence of their hypothesis, but were argued against by scientists and physicists at the time claiming for such an occurrence to be impossible. Interestingly enough, Google Earth blurs out the poles of our earth and unknown international laws make it illegal for planes of any kind to fly directly over poles despite it being the shortest path from certain areas to get across the planet.

This theory only gained more traction as proof of other planets in the solar system surfaced containing these strange and unexplainable vortexes.

Number 2: Hollow Moon

On November 14th, 1969, in an attempt to better understand the makeup of the moon, NASA placed multiple seismic readers across its surface and then soon launched a Lunar Space Module on a collision course for the moon. The idea behind this theory was to allow the Lunar Module to strike the moon with such a dramatic force that it would send reverberations and specific frequencies throughout the entire core of the moon and allow the seismic readers to capture this data and help to accurately map out the inside of the moon.

What they soon discovered was baffling. Original theories and hypothesis had suggested that these reverberations would not last longer than a minute. Given that the surface of our moon is covered in mostly Basalt of which would work to absorb these reverberations and, given its extensive presence, was believed to make up the majority of the mantle of the moon at this time, it was mathematically calculated to prevent the seismic activity for lasting for a prolonged period of time.

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