Chapter 21

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Alexs' POV

"Mr. Rush, we've got your father."

My head shot up at the agent's voice.

"What? How? Did he have Anna?"

"This is an FBI investigation we tagged him in all databases to raise an alarm if he tried touse any kind of transportation that required ID verification. He was stopped at the airport, trying to flee the country I suppose. Agents have him down at the jail."

"And Anna?"

The agent look solemn.

"She wasn't with him but, he's requesting to talk to you. We were hoping that if you agreed he'd reveal something about her location and what he's been up to."

I nodded and quickly moved to grab my coat. As I reached the door I turned to my mother who'd taken to staying at my place regularly over the last week or so.

"They found dad and he wants to talk to me. I'll be back."

She nodded, concern clouding her features.

"Okay, don't let him get to you, you know how he is."

I only nodded once in response as I let the door close.


He was there on the other side of the glass. He was disheveled but still managed to look cocky. Proud. Even though he was handcuffed to the table he still managed to look like he owned the place.

"Mr. Rush, you can go in whenever you're ready."

He didnt even glance up as I entered the interrogation room.

"Ah my weak willed son has decided to grace me with his presence."

I didnt respond to his taunting.

"Where's Anna? What did you do to her.?"

He chuckled darkly as he finally made eye contact with me.

"I should've killed her once I was done with her. The bitch is more trouble than she's worth."

"She's alive?"

He threw his head back in exasperation.

"That's your problem son. You are worried about some girl instead of business, something that really matters. Seems you haven't learned anything in the last few weeks. I was hoping that your priorities would shift if she was out of your life."

I'd heard this spiel before and I didnt want to hear it.

"I've told you before that I am not you. I will never put money and business before my family. You neglected us, treated us like shit for years because you wanted to chase after money. Mom picked up drinking, Cara is still spiraling, Kat's gotta pop three different pills so that she function throughout the day because of what you did to her."

"And you? What did my bad parenting do to you?"

I kept eye contact with him.

He knew exactly what it did to me, knew exactly to the lengths I was willing to go to get the hurt he caused to stop. He hadn't even bothered to visit me at the hospital.

"If you don't know than neither do I."

He huffed.

"Tell me where she is."

"And why would I give away that information?"

"Because you want me to focus more on the business, yes?"

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