5. Spending time With Those You Love

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This is going to be part of a four piece chapter where Harry spends time with his family one at a time next Tom


Tom had snuck into Harry's room and placed Nagini on the bed to wake him up but she just curled up on him and went back to sleep

"You're no help my dear" making him sigh

"Papa leave her alone and why are you here in the first place" looks at the clock it read 8am making him groan he hated waking early sometimes.

"Come on Hadrian I have a day planned out for just me and you as you've had a day out with Draco and you still won't tell me where you went in the first place, I'm still upset with that you know, come on you'll like this place we're going to" he smiled and stole Harry's pillow and ran out.

Harry just groaned and buried himself under the covers or tried to as now all that was on the bed was him in his pjs Otiz, Sora and Nagini who all rolled into him to keep warm

"Too cold" they all mumbled but they moved besides Harry as a cold bucket of water landed on him making him scream

"Tom Marvolo Riddle Snape that was mean and you know it" said Severus sipping his deep dark soul replenisher known as coffee with no milk or sugar, just deep, dark and bloody well strong 

"Only way for him to get up plus I want to be there soon, they open at nine and we are meeting so many reptiles I can't wait" he tickled Calista who squealed

"She throws up not my fault she's just finished her toast" and there and then she was sick making everyone giggle

"It's ok my little snakeling it was daddy's fault lets both get cleaned up" and he brought her upstairs to change only for Harry to come out glaring at him.

"Come on hurry up and eat son we have to head out soon"

"Where are we going?"

"Hurry up and we can go and then you will find out won't you" and he headed into the nursery and changed his daughter and went to change afterwards.

Downstairs Harry was trying to get out where him and Tom were going from Severus but he didn't even know and said that it was just for them to spend time together and not to worry to much

"Wait until your papa comes back down you know you've had a day out with me and Draco and now it's his turn so don't worry too much ok it won't be anything bad if he does then he's in trouble you know that I've already told him off for the water bucket and your sister was sick on him so" he sipped his coffee and gave Azrael some banana.

When Tom came back down he was in a clean outfit and Calista in a new dress she was soon handed over and took hold of Harry and took him out of the cottage and Apparated to Paradise Wildlife Park in Hertfordshire.

"So a zoo..." Harry looked a tad bored at what Tom had brought him to a zoo of all things but Tom dragged Harry to the reptile house as they were going to be spending the day at the Park but starting off with the reptiles so then they could get to know the snakes.

As they entered Harry was in awe with it all and easily slipped into Parseltongue he always did that when he was around snakes making each one look at them.

They meet the Madagascan Hognose, Green Anaconda, Barons Racer, False Water Cobra, Reticulated Python and the Taiwan Beauty Snake.

Harry sat by each one and talked to them asking all sorts of questions about them.

The Madagascan Hognose was called Garry of all things and wasn't happy about being trapped behind the glass making Harry laugh at the snake telling him it was going to be alright that he was healthy even if he was stuck somewhere he didn't want to be but at least he got food and water, at least it was home.

The Green Anaconda was a sweetie by the name of Mensa but kind of nuts and kept going on about who knows what and kept jumping back and forth with with what he was saying.

The Barons Racer by the name of George well he was hyperactive and kept running around like mad and most snakes were fast but not like George he was a nutter.

The False Water Cobra called Cobey she was sweet and loved the water and the rats that they gave her but she wished that they were alive instead of dead but hey it was food.

The Reticulated Python who's name was Keisha was a complete and utter drama queen if Harry ever knew one and was way over dramatic over the most tiniest things she would start up making the others want to hide from her even though they were all in different enclosures.

The Taiwan Beauty Snake who's name was Volturi like her species name said she was a beauty and would make sure everyone knew it and tried to get the males interested in her but none of them wanted to know her she was too much maintenance if you asked them and so kept away.

"This is awesome I knew about some snakes as I set one loose on Dudley.. no wait his name is Corvus when I was eleven but to talk and listen to them and learn about them this way is awesome" he hugged Tom "thank you"

"You're welcome Hadrian about this I had a feeling you would love it I love talking to different snakes and learning about them I did that in Hungry and I also did it growing up it's a nice change, now come on we are heading to lunch"

"Awe really I want to stay"

"Sadly we can't I only booked here until lunch" said Tom


"I'm not now come on time for lunch for the moment we can come back a little later in the day" he gently pulled Harry out so then they could get lunch and carry on with their day out it was nice to spend one on one time with Harry without the twins around.

After they had eaten their lunch they were heading out into the park more to see what they had to offer but Harry stopped when he heard crying and headed over to the noise and found two snakelings huddled together, they were cold.

"Papa look what I found" he picked them up and showed Tom

"What is a rainbow python and a black racer nice and both harmless"

"I sowwy mon an da owion hewwo" said Solomon (Solly)

"Hello Solomon and Orion" said Harry happily and got very attached to the baby snakes that he wanted to keep so badly making Tom sigh....


sorry its a tad shorter didn't know where to go with it when i introduced the two baby sneks

sorry its a tad shorter didn't know where to go with it when i introduced the two baby sneks

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A Father A New Life Start Book 5Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora