30. The Founder's Protection

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As the Wards hummed to life fully the Founder's went to the heart of the castle and found the Ward Stone it was a multi coloured crystal that stood in a massive hidden room under the Great Hall this crystal help stabilise the Wards around and inside the castle herself, it was what brought Rowena to where the castle stood today, the crystal had called each and everyone of them to the one area, they poured their love of magic and learning into it and from that the castle slowly grew

As she grew from nothing but from magic and learning she welcomed more and more students into her hallow halls and as they learned and grew into respectable adults even if they turned away from what they had been taught she also grew the Founders respected that she learnt and grew as well as protected each and everyone that walked her halls whether it be student, teachers or creature they were all welcomed

"It's been an age since we have been here I have missed her" said Salazar as he put his hand on the crystal making it take on a green hue making him smile

Around him the Rune marks that were placed around the room flashed in greeting making him laugh slightly

"Hello Hogwarts we are finally back but we need your help old girl do your thing you can do that for us? can you protect everyone like you did forehand for us?" asked Helga as she too touched the crystal making it now a two toned hue of green and yellow you could now see the dancing glimmers of black and sliver in it

Again the Runes all hummed and flashed as if to say welcome back and of course I will

Godric smiled and he walked over to the crystal placing his hand on it, now three toned with red and gold glimmer added the Wards flared violently as it had been such a long time that this was needed that Hogwarts needed to protect

"She hasn't lost her power it seems but it appears Dumbles has tried many times since he was a student to tamper with it all but she fought back it seems until Tom came through the doors and how she called to him many times but she was ignored in favor for Dumbles and she.... you wouldn't believe it she's been pouting for the past 50 years" said Rowena as she finally took her place hand on the stone the crystal now four toned with their colours along with shimmers of gold, silver, bronze and black they all came together and their familiars joined in

Each familiar turned into a small crystal animals and landed on the crystal they took on the Founder's colours with the familiars in place Hogwarts hummed loudly and it was felt by everyone in the castle each wondering what it was

"Founders of the red Lion of Weald Moor, green Snake of Fen, yellow Banger of Valley Broad and blue Eagle of Glen call for Hogwarts protectors hear our call!" they all said at once and Hogwarts hummed around the school while the Runes in the room glowed brightly, soon they were allowed to release their hands

"Still has the strange tingling feeling it seems" said Godric as he shook his hand at the funny feeling

"We have done what we can" said Helga

"Hogwarts has everything she needs to protect us and more as we know it" said Salazar he hated to bring this type of protection into play as this is what sent people the wrong message over time about the disagreement with the other Founders but it was nothing like that

"Sal it's going to be ok she will hold out we can all feel it she's strong and so are we, each and everyone one of us are strong and we are stronger together" said Godric to him and held his hand "remember we are one and we will always will be the school never broke apart when we spilt up and died she still stands and she will always stand"

The others agreed with him he may be the youngest out of the four of them but he had said something that even Helga didn't know about

They headed towards the exit but stopped when they saw Harry but he just walked forward and placed his hand onto the stone and it shone of white blinding light, the covered their eyes due to the brightness and on top of the crystal now stood a fox of crystal glowing brightly of a light purple

Sumire appeared to the but she looked so different to what she normally looked like she smiled at them

"The Heir is in place he shall bring the Prophecy to light..."

"But the one from Trelawney is a fake we all know that besides Dumbles" said Rowena

"That one had been full filled that very night dear one"

"What are you on about?"

"The Prophecy that was written not long ago it will come to fruition from this moment, he has placed the crystal he had taken his place among us" and she faded away only for the Runes to move and form words

The seventh month child born
Saved by the black

Headed towards the light anew

Darkness grows that once was light
Hidden in plan sight

Seventh child no not the power given

Hurt without knowing
Once was light now dark
Once was dark now light

Create balance must be made
Once can't live without the other

"What does this all mean? I was never good at these types of things" said Godric to them

"Let's go from line from line we know 'The seventh month child born, saved by the black' well Hadrian was born at the end of July and he was saved by Severus so that would make sense doesn't it?" asked Salazar to Rowena these types of things were her area

"True it does make perfect sense, so next line is 'headed towards the light anew'... well we know that he was saved so it changed Dumbles plans" said Rowena as she walked around to get a better view of the Runes

"Ok so the next line is easy enough to work out 'darkness grows that once was light hidden in plan sight' that means Tom was hidden under Dumbles nose before he disappeared Tom better himself and came out on top" said Helga

"What power does Hadrian have without knowing?" asked Godric to them

"Love I was giving love after so many years not knowing what it was" said Harry as he turned to them his green eyes glowed with unmatched power

"Hurt without knowing, once was the light now dark, once was dark now light' it means that I was abused which I didn't want to admit until now to be honest and that was after spending time with my aunt and she explained to me, Dumbleshit was once the light he has now gone dark and Papa was once dark he is now light" he smiled at them as they couldn't work it out but Harry just took one look and he understood it

"Ok lastly create balance must be made, one can't live without the other? what's that one about"

"Hi-Mi-Tsu" said Otiz to them "a secret that Hadrian has to find out on his own he will create the balance but the last line is for him to find out on his own"

The Founders were now confused they wanted to know but before they could the castle rumbled

happy birthday to my husband for tomorrow 34 years young!

is it me or have i just made Godric gay?

I'll leave it here for now, just a few more chapters to go and A Father A New Life Start will be finished

A Father A New Life Start Book 5Where stories live. Discover now