Nap Time

12 1 0

Dear... *silence for a few seconds*
whatever nah not sayin it.

Finally got home. Finished med school. Honestly everything is a blur. I can finally see my makeshift family. They're pretty mad that I've been gone so long. I honestly can't blame them. I'd probably be angry too.
Hey I finally get to rest though. In my own bed. I'm not dead, injured, or dying in any way either. I just get to sit in my bed whenever. Finally.
I won't get a job for a long while now. I want to spend time with the people I left behind. I should've texted or called, but y'know when ya feel... awkward? Like what am I gonna say "Sorry for up and disappearing can't chat right now doing an infinite amount of work"? That ain't gonna fly. So I just, stopped doing things on my phone altogether. Yeah that was a dick move even for me.
It doesn't seem like anyone's around right now. I think most everyone already left the house for some reason or another.
*dead silence apart from a rustling sheet*
...Imma take a nap. Why not? Sleep. Finally sleep. For as long as I want, not just 2-3 hours!
Bai Diary, cya later.
*End Recording*

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