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Morrigan pov

I was on the bus on the way to the Fall Fair. I was sitting in the back, Constance and Ocean are rehearsing the songs, Noel was reading an 'Entire Works Of Edgar Allen Poe' book, Mischa was blasting (in my opinion) not very good rap music, but I still didn't care. I met Mischa last year when he moved from Ukraine. I helped him learn his English and we both taught eachother. But once summer break hit, we stopped talking. Like our study sessions never happened. When we first met, I'll admit, I had feelings for the boy. He was funny and very handsome. Once we got to know eachother, he opened up to me and even told me about his girlfriend at the time, Talia. A month later, he found out she was cheating on him and they got into a huge argument over phone. It ended up in her breaking up with him. So while he was in love with Talia, I was (and still am) in love with him. It took him the rest of the school year and as far as I'm aware, he's still in love with her.

Ricky had nothing to do except grit and brave it like me, and Father Marcus was praying in the front. And sitting in the front was a girl. I don't know her name. She didn't look familiar either. I started to roll down and off the seat while the bus was driving. One song came on that Mischa blasted on his small portable speaker. ''Bachinski, can you please turn that shit down?!'' I yell.

''No! It's my speaker and music!'' I get up while the bus is still moving, over to Mischa who is gripping the speaker now. I get over to the middle of the bus and go to grab it. I get a hold of it when a semi goes barreling through the middle of the road causing destruction while zooming through the road with cops behind it. In a ditch effort the bus driver swirves to the side, causing Mischa and I to fall onto a seat with him on top of me. I wince once hitting the window. Mischa and I are really close. Like if he was lower by an inch (I'm American and I'm not very good in math so I'm sorry but we're gonna have to go with the inches system unless someone in the comments knows more or just better than I do, please comment.) We would've accidentally kissed. He stands up and helps me up. I take the speaker off and handed him the pair of wired earbuds I had in my pocket while shutting off the speaker.

''Use these. That way we don't need to hear your stupid rap.''

''It's not stupid. It's very-'' I cut him off.

''Bí ciúin, Bachinski!'' I yell. He looks confused as I go back to my seat. Everone is dead silent the even Ricky saw what happened. Brother Marcas pipes up.

''Tomorrow, you will have detention, miss. Hart.'' I roll my eyes and drop in my seat. The bus starts to drive again and when we finally get to the fair we all get out and do some vocal warm-ups. When it's finally time, I stand in front of Mischa not really paying attention to what Ocean and Constance were saying. That's when the music starts.

''When the Fall Fair comes to town!

Oh step right up. (Bum bum bum bum)

All good, good fun!

The games and rides!

A little something for everyone.

When the Fall Fair comes to town. (When the Fall Fair comes to town!)

Doodle Doodle do! (5x)

When the Fall Fair comes- Fall Fair comes- Fall Fair comes- Fall Fair comes- Fall Fair- Fall Fair- Fall Fair

When the Fall Fair is right which ride goes where- ahh!

The rest of the show goes on without a hitch. After, Father Marcus lets us go on rides and have fun. We adventually went in line for the Cyclone. I counted how long it takes to get to the top. Three minutes with the cart going at a dreaingly slow pace. Noel didn't want to go on it so he was paired with Ricky and I was paired with Mischa. I was never one for Rollercoasters but after Ocean forced me to agree, I stand, jittery with nerves. ''Thank you for letting me use the earbuds earlier.'' Mischa says behind me. I turn my head to see that we're extremely close again. I quickly back up.

''It's nothing.'' I say with a smile and turn back around, bouncing my leg with me fiddling with my fingers. I feel an arm go around my shoulders from my side, Mischa wrapped his arm around me. I just stay looking down with red cheeks and even more nervous.

''Are you scared?'' He asks. I nod truthfully. He laughs lightly before tightening his grip. ''No need to worry, I'll protect you.'' I smile as he leans his head on my shoulder.

''Merci (thank you), Bachinski.''

''Of course, shorty.''

Once it's our turn, it's,

Constance and Ocean,
Mischa and I,
Ricky and Noel, and
the girl I didn't know.

We got in the cart and once given the clear, we pull the bar down and it is given the okay to go. We start by going the 100⁰ incline. My breathing starts to get quicker.

15 seconds.

I start to have tears well in my eyes. I can't do this.

40 seconds.

Mischa notices but I can't hear him. All I can see is him arguing with Ocean while trying to figure out a way to help me.

1 minute 15 seconds.

We're not even halfway from the top when I feel Mishcha's arm snake around my neck and pulls me closer.

1 minute 30 seconds.

He's trying to calm me down and see that even though we're not even half way, it's still extremely high and then my breathing stops completely for a good 15 seconds.

2 minutes.

I finally get my voice back after swallowing my fear as best as possible.

''Ocean, I swear to God, after this ride, I'm going to fucking kill you!''

''Calm down Morrigan, it's fun!'' She says excited for the drop. I clasp my hands together as a last ditch effort for comfort as I pray even though I'm not even religious.

'' oh mon Dieu, aide-moi s'il te plaît, je ne souhaite pas mourir des montagnes russes. S'il vous plaît aidez-moi. [Oh God help me please I do not wish to die from a rollercoaster. please help me.]''

2 minute 30 seconds.

That's it. If I die I might as well tell Mischa.

2 minute 35 seconds.

''Mischa?'' I ask. Now I'm not visibly shaking anymore so he's just holding my hand.


2 minutes 50 seconds.

''I've always loved you! Like romantic love!''

3 minutes.

It's the drop. We start speeding on the coaster with it shaking. The front axel splits moments before we get there. Sparks were flying as the cart is derailed from the ride and goes flying. I'm screaming my head off until we hit cement. Then everything went dark.


Word count: 1207

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