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Lollipop pov:

Gosh I've grown fond of flower ever sence bfb I like her. Her gorgeous green eyes, the way she acts around me... She's the girl of my dreams.


Me: Hey do you wanna meet at the hill tonight and watch the stars?

Flower <3: ofc what time!?

Me: probably around 8 are you free then?

Flower <3: yes! I'll be there

Flower pov:

Oh my gardener! This is basically a date I mean who asks you to go look at the stars as a friend!

By this time my face was bright red. Me and Lolly never really get alone time.

I got up from my bed stepping over to my dresser I pick out a cute pink sweater and a skirt. I ploped it on and went downstairs to get my breakfast.

Timeskip to 8:00

Lollipop pov:

I knocked on flowers door because her doorbell has been broken. I don't think she's ever going to fix it!

The door creaked open. It was a pretty girl that answered. Flower. Both of our faces brighted up

"Hi lolly!" She ran towards me and gave me a bug hug

"Hey flower~" I said in a flirting tone

Flower pov:

My face heated up again as we walked to the big hill. I thought we were going to meet up there but I guess not.

We had a small conversation on our way there. we hadn't seen eachother ever since that party about a week ago.

"S-so uh. who do you l-like?" Lolipop stuttered it was kinda out of character for Lollipop to be stuttering. Weird.

"Uh- Oh look we're here at the hill!" I replied

We walked up the hill in silence. I looked at her and just smiled. Her face was red and i was a little concerned.

"Hey are you okay? Your face is red and you look sick?" I asked

Lollipop pov:

Shit what do I say!

"Uh yeah I'm fine just a little warm here!" I said with a big smile

Flower pov:

Ok this was definitely a crush. I mean what's not to like about Lollipop? As we got to the hill and layed down to look at the stars. I spotted a constellation!

"That one looks like four! Oh and that one looks like two!" I said

"Yeah they kinda do~" she said and looked over at me

We just looked over at eachother for a few seconds. I had to look away from her because I was blushing. Hard.

I have to tell her sometime.. what's a better time then now? I looked at the stars for a minute then looked over at flower. Butterflys grew in my stomach. I sat up and grabbed her hand. It got her attention.

Lollipop pov:

I also sat up while blushing. My cheeks grew red. Flower was holding my hand. I couldn't help but to stare into her pretty green eyes.

Flower pov:

"Hey uh I need to tell you something" I told her

"Uh yeah? What is it?" She responded

"I-I love you" it came out of my mouth like a rocket

She sat there in silence but only for a moment. The most shocking thing happend. She gave me a quick peck on the cheek.

My cheeks heated up I've never felt this warm inside I felt like I was wrapped in a big fluffy blanket.

"I love you too, I have loved you. Ever since I layed eyes on you when we competed in bfb~" she told me

Lollipop pov:

I couldn't help but just kiss her. Her soft lips against mine. Her eyes are closed but mine were slightly open admiring the girl I was kissing. I shut my eyes too after a couple seconds.

I heard foot steps. So I rolled off her and sat up.
Flower looked confused and sad at the same time.

"Shhh I hear something" I whispered to her

She looked absolutely terrified. So I let her cuddle into me. I noticed that she was crying.

"Hey what wrong?" I asked

"Oh nothing just really scared" she replied in a wisper


"We are all alone about an hour into the woods what of something happens to us?" She whimpered

"Don't worry" I said comforting her "we will be fine"

She looked up to me as I wiped her tears and smiled. All of a sudden Gelitan appeared in the distance walking up the hill. I pointed over there so Flower would know it was just Gelitan

"Oh haha" she laughed

Gelitan found them up there and waved

"What are you doing here?" I asked

"I was just going for a night walk!" He said

"Not creepy at all" said flower

We all laughed

With that Gelitan went further into the woods

Flower pov:

Lollipop held my hand as she was walking back to my house as she was holding my hand. We walked back to my house

As we arrived I offered her to stay at my place for tonight. She said yes and we walked to the bedroom to go to sleep.

"You don't have pajamas with you do you?" I asked while looking though my pajamas


I threw some at her as she walked over to the bathroom to get changed while I changed in the bedroom. When she came in the bedroom I was laying down.

Lollipop came in and lid down next to me. I lid on her chest as she played with my petals.

Lollipop pov:

Flower fell asleep on my chest while I was reading my book. The book was wonderful it was about a lesbian couple just like me and flower are. I was having the best night of my life especially with flower. I slowly drifted to sleep playing with Fowers petals and reading my book

I just love Flower. The girl of my dreams right there

First chapter of my first book what did u think abt it? Also Ty for reading

1002 words

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