(Chapter One) |An Orange Forest|

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Character Introduction.

Character Introduction

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(Please note that Xenix((he also has an error on his tail lol he is supposed to have the dark patch on his tail))has many scars on his body but I'm too lazy to draw all that)

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(Please note that Xenix((he also has an error on his tail lol he is supposed to have the dark patch on his tail))has many scars on his body but I'm too lazy to draw all that)

May The Story Begin.


'Come on Laco!' My sister, Lacy roared, while running up a hill. I closely followed her, my claws digging deep into the hill the higher we got. My two brothers caught up to me in no time, and soon made it to the top. A minute later or so I made it up 'your pretty slow today' my brother, Shade said with a chuckle 'Yeah you really were slow, you ok?' Lacy asked. 'Yeah I'm fine, just tired', I quickly responded -Who was she to think I'm slow, I beat her every time we race- I must've let my thoughts overwhelm me because when I opened my eyes they were all flying around the island. -I can't believe they would fly without me! We always fly together!- I was very outraged but hid that feeling deep down, I leaped into the air. I caught up to them quickly -They fly so slow- I thought, they all dived to the ground and I closely followed, soon taking the lead. 'Yep, I AM fast!' I roared to them, -Do they think I'm dumb?- they are so annoying.

'Wow, you are brutal' Shade said. 'Hey where's Xenix?' Lacy asked, looking around. -How am I supposed to know?- but of course I didn't say that. I looked around and saw a light-fury flying towards us, they looked like him, so it must be him.  -There's Xenix- I thought, 'there he is! Look guys' I roared at them, as they turned to look I saw a sheep out of the corner of my eye, so naturally I followed it, but OF COURSE I used my plasma blast to turn invisible, I stalked it, laying low in the grass. I sunk my teeth into the sheep. I heard muffled roars but I was too busy killing this dumb sheep that would REFUSE to die. -I'm going to get a HEADACHE with all that roaring- then I heard another dragon, one that wasn't a light fury, I could tell from the noises it was making. I turned back and saw Xenix fighting off a dragon ive never seen before. The foreign dragon was like a beetle. It was huge and strong. And it had a horn on its nose. It seemed to have a grey-ish coloring, with a black pattern going along the top of his body, and it's eyes were a deep blue, deep with anger, and frustration.

'Shit!' Roared Shade as he ran towards me, tackling me back into the grass, we stalked low watching Xenix fight it off for a second, but I can't stop myself from closing my eyes hoping he will be okay, I just couldn't look at him. When I opened my eyes, I saw the dragon fly away, I got up and quickly ran to Xenix, he was bleeding out, but I think he was okay. Lacy looked at him in awe, 'you fought so cool!' She said, 'I just needed to protect you guys' he responded, I could tell he was tired, but of course no one checked on me, only Xenix. -Of course they wouldn't care about me, but whatever- I trot over to them, avoiding the mud on the way 'you okay?' I heared shade say, Xenix didn't seem to answer, but I saw him nod so I guess he's fine. -I hope that we can actually get some food, I'm starving-. I walked close to him and saw a deep wound across his face, nothing new but it's always so sad to see him hurt, I mean he is my brother after all, of course I care for him.

'I can't believe that your okay, I'm so thankful' I whispered softly, staring at Xenix to let him know I meant it, and it was directed at him. I stared more at Xenix and noticed the dark red on his claws and teeth. -It must've been a gruesome battle-, I snapped out of my gaze as my stomach grumbled in hunger, Lacy pointed her wing and gave me a nudge towards a chicken, I thankfully leaped to it, sinking my teeth deep into their skin, It tasted so fresh.. I think chicken might be my favorite food, but I really don't know. It tasted so good, I couldn't stop myself from eating it hole, I obviously didn't eat the bones. it was delicious-I love chicken-. I couldn't stop myself from eating that chicken, but what happens next, I could've.

After I ate that chicken like a beast, I looked up and licked my lips -That was just too good- then I saw something in the distance, a ship? Or was it a dragon..either way I didn't like it. I growled lowly as I went towards my siblings, walking sideways. 'Whoa what's wrong?' Shade asked, with a voice that was low and concerned. 'Look, I don't like that' I growled louder, pointing my tail at the thing coming towards the island we were on, 'what?-' he stopped as soon as he saw it, his pupils became slits as he stared the thing up and down, never talking while looking at it. He then got up and ran near Xenix. 'X-Xenix!' Xenix had just gotten out of a battle, and it seemed like he was gonna be in one again. I looked around desperately, a sudden feeling of dread washing over me. And I don't know what happened but I just sat still, it was hard to move in a moment of shock. 'Guys come on!' Xenix took to the sky. Lacy and shade tried to shake me out of my paralysis. I saw Xenix fall to the ground, at that moment something arose in me that I had never felt this strongly before. Not sadness, not sacredness, but anger. I leaped into the air as my siblings went to help Xenix, I turned invisible with  quick plasma blast and ambushed the wooden thing. The humans didn't even see it coming, I plasma blasted the middle and I watched as the they all swam away as the wooden thing went down in flames. -did I just do that?-. I didn't understand how I could've done it.

'Whoa!!!' Lacy roared in my ear 'that was...EPIC!' I smiled, 'y-yeah, I just don't know what happened..' Xenix gave me a interesting look, as if he was telling me that I was...strong?cool? Something like that anyways. Shade came up to me and gave me a nod of approval. "Come on guys let's head out" he said as he took to the sky, I followed him and we all started flying to another island somewhere.

As we were flying I saw more packs, lone dragons, and pairs appear near us. It was starting to get dark so I can see why many dragons are moving to find a den for the night. The sunset turned the sky into orange and red. Lacy, Xenix, Fade, and me saw a island big enough for the four of us and we decided to stay there for the night.

That night we all slept near eachother to stay safe.

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