Welcome to Camp

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Author's Note: Hey guys, so as this is part one I'll be figuring out the writing style for the story in this chapter, so please bare with me. I think I'll be doing different POVs per chapter, and it only feels right to start this off from the perspective of Darius. This chapter was getting a little long so it does not include the entire episode 1 of JWCC. Sorry in advance, these first few chapters are going to be pretty close to the actual episodes but with a few bits thrown in/changed here or there. I'm trying to make the teens a little more realistic and give them some extra emotion. Hope you enjoy it!

Darius POV:

As the congratulatory video ended, Darius found himself even more shocked than when he won the game in the first place. The talking DNA strand finishes his speech with, "That's right, get ready to join us at Camp Cretaceous!"

Camp Cretaceous, what was that? Darius thought he had just won a trip to Jurassic World.


Darius hoisted his luggage up, walking down the gangplank and stepping foot for the first time on Isla Nublar. He had spent the boat ride glancing out the window every few minutes, impatient for his first glimpse of the island. Now that he was standing on the dock, Darius had to exert some serious self-control not to gape at his surroundings.

For the first time since stepping onto the boat, Darius took a moment to look at his fellow campers. Peering around swiftly he noticed that they were quite a diverse group. A tall, clearly athletic girl in a tracksuit was standing with her arms crossed, a more stocky-built girl in a floral blouse and jeans was bouncing on her heels and looking around excitedly. Meanwhile, a rather skinny boy dressed nicely was puking over the side of the dock, and a pink-haired girl in a jacket that matched her hair was focused intently on her phone, despite having just arrived on the island.

Darius frowned slightly at this last girl, how could she be caught up in her phone at a time like this? And wait... how come she had her phone in the first place? Everyone else had been instructed to leave their phones with their parents before boarding the boat. Something about them getting an insider look and privacy problems.

A man with short-cropped sandy hair and a bit of a scraggly beard cleared his throat from a little ways up the dock. He was wearing a vibrant red shirt and a bandana that matched. After a moment he spoke up in front of the assembled teens.

"Welcome to Isla Nublar Campers, you are the chosen few, the first kids in the entire world to experience the awesomeness that is..." The man paused for dramatic effect, "Camp Cretaceous."

He then grinned, looking around at them each before continuing, "I know the trip from the mainland was rough on some, hello Ben." The man smiled at the kid who was still puking over the side of the dock, "butcha made it! I'm Dave, head counselor. You heard that right, head honcho, the big shot." The man, Dave, said, looking very pleased with himself as he looked around the group.

Just then, a truck pulled up, squealing to a stop right behind Dave. A dark-haired woman dressed identically to Dave stepped out with authority and immediately began speaking, "Ah, so sorry I'm late. I'm Roxie, head counselor of camp cretaceous." Roxie took in the assembled campers with a smile.

Immediately all heads turned to Dave, as the so-called "Head Counselor" gave a nervous chuckle and scratched the back of his head, avoiding their gazes.

"It's ah... kinda a co-head-counselor kinda... ahem... relationship." Dave's voice trailed off at the end of the sentence, eyes flickering to Roxie for a split second before darting back to the group, a sheepish grin on his face.

"Ohhhh is it now?" Said Roxie, placing a hand on her hip with a smirk tugging the corner of her mouth.

Brooklyn quipped to no one in particular, "Maybe someone should have told the Head Counselor that."

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