Compy Crush

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Author's Note: Hey guys! I am so sorry this took so long to get out. I hit a pretty hectic time in my academic year and had this sitting half-finished in my drafts for about two months. This one is a bit shorter than the last chapter but I still hope you all enjoy it!

Brooklyn POV:

The truck had come to the stop at the foot of a group of massive redwood trees. As everyone had gotten out the campers were awestruck at the size and beauty of everything around them. Brooklyn had to admit, it was pretty impressive, but she had a job to do. Instead of gaping at her surroundings like the rest of the campers were doing, Brooklyn needed to get some content, ASAP.

Pulling out her phone and finding a spot with good lighting and a view of the treehouse, Brooklyn started recording, "Hey Brooklanders, check this place out! Is this not the most amazing place you have ever seen?!" waving behind her, Brooklyn gives her followers a wide smile, trying to look as excited as possible.

"If you think this is cool, you should see my Dad's penthouse in the main park" Kenji comments as he swagger walks past as if he wasn't actually trying to be in the recording. Brooklyn grits her teeth and it's all she can do not to roll her eyes. Guess I'm going to have to retake that segment

Turning to look around, she notices Yasmina standing just a few feet away, with her back turned to Brooklyn. Putting on a smile, Brooklyn hits the record button and approaches Yas, holding her phone up. "Hey Yasmina, so tell me, what are you most excited about for camp?" 

"Uh-uhm..." Yas stutters then turns and runs away towards the treehouse. 

"Really?" Brooklyn mutters to herself with a frown. "Well, thanks for the interview..." 

"This place is almost as big as my family's ranch back home!" Sammy exclaims, now standing at the base of the steps to the treehouse. Roxy and Dave have ascended the stairs and are now looking over the campers, who naturally grouped up at the foot of the stairs.

"That's because when we are up and running the camp will house 500 kids and 150 staff" Roxy explains proudly, looking over the campsite. 

Brooklyn wanders over to join the group, slipping her phone back into her pocket. She doubted this would be worth videoing, and besides, her battery was getting low. 

"Listen up! announcement time! from your co-head counselors," Dave says with a wide grin, puffing his chest out a little in front of the assembled campers. 

"psh... still not a thing," Roxy said, once again earning a round of laughter from the group. As Brooklyn gives a light laugh, she notices that Darius is looking over his shoulder at the truck. What was he thinking?

Roxy continues on, pulling Brooklyn from her thoughts, "ok everyone, some ground rules to cover, curfew's at 8 pm and lights out at 9 pm, sharp" There is no room for debate in her tone, and the group lets out a long groan. 

"Seriously? A curfew? Do you know who my dad is?" Kenji asks, puffing his own chest out. 

"Yeah, not to agree with the spoiled rich kid but like, we are all high schoolers, isn't lights out by 9 pm a little much?" Yasmina adds. All the other campers, with the exception of Ben, nod their heads and mutter in agreement. 

"Oh, well in that case, why don't we make it lights out by eight?" Roxy responds with a smirk, arching an eyebrow and putting her hands on her hips. 

"Lights out by 9 pm sounds great! That shouldn't be a problem." Darius inputs quickly, looking around at the group with a forced smile that says "play along before this gets worse".

Brooklyn agrees quickly, "Yeah of course, honestly, I wouldn't want to be up much later than that anyways..." That was such a lie. She'd be up all night editing footage from their daily events.  

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