Chapter 4

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~~~Time Skip~~~


Here I am. My first day at a public school.. you know, the school looks a lot bigger than I remember.. Deep breath Y/N, get a hold of yourself. You're gonna make some friends, not get in many fights, and, hell, maybe get a partner. I can't wait!

3rd Person POV:

Y/N walked up the steps of the school, feeling pretty excited while being extremely nervous. Can you blame him? It's his first day of school, literally. He had his mothers to thank. Mother Jocelyn and Vinny were on board with it, Mother Caroline.. not so much.


"Pleaseeeee!", Y/N pleaded.

"No, I forbid it.", Mother Caroline said in a huff.

"Why?? It's just school.", Y/N asked, eager to get a valid answer.

"A public school. You won't be here to help around the place. So, no. That's my final answer."

"Wha-", Y/N said, in a defeated tone.

Just as Y/N thought his whole dream of going to a public school was crushed, Mother Vinny came in to save the day.

"What if we make him take our dance classes?", Mother Vinny suggested.

"And give him extra chores.", Mother Jocelyn added.

"Hmmm... well..", Mother Caroline considered these terms.

"Yeah! I could it! Please Mother Caroline! I gotta go! Go make friends my age!", Y/N begged, not really considering the suggested terms.

"Fine, you may go to school. But remember! You have to take our dance classes and do extra chores. Understood?"

"Yes ma'am! Thank you!", Y/N smiled.


Y/N walked through the halls trying to find the office. After a few minutes of aimlessly walking he bumped into someone.

"Ugh, watch where you're going.", said a girl with pink hair.

"Oh, I'm so sorry! I was just trying to find the office! My mistake.", Y/N frantically apologized.

The girl looked at the boy up and down. She never thought she could find someone just as hot, no hotter, than Dee.

Diana POV:

Wow! I scored a hottie! He's so flustered. He must've never seen a girl with so much beauty before. Take a look at those arms! I could wrap this boy around my finger.

"It's ok.", I said with a smile. "I can show you to the office if you like."

"Really? Thank you!"

"No problem. I'm Diana, you?"

"Diana..? That's such a pretty name! It suits you. I'm Y/N, nice to meet you."

"O- oh..! Thank you.. you have a nice name too!"


I walk him down to the office, still very flustered. No one's ever complimented my name before.. oh no.. what if he's trying to wrap me around his finger?? No.. that can't be it, he seems too sweet for that. God, why can't Dee be like this??

~~~Time Skip~~~

Dee POV:

Jesus I'm tired. Well this is what I get for trying to play the guitar. Dad's right, I'm not going to be able to do it.. 

My thoughts are interrupted by loud mouth Diana. She's talking to someone with a blindfold on. He looked to be 6ft, he had h/t h/c hair, and his face looked picture perfect. He was wearing a white shirt, a yellow jacket, jeans, vans, and a white beanie. I'm guessing he's new. But.. what's the blindfold for?

Ugh, why should I care? He's probably insecure or something. Whatever, I could get some money off of this kid. Considered we're in the middle of a unit, he's not gonna know what's going on. Perfect..

A few minutes later, the teacher walks in.

"Alright boys and girls, today, we're going to hop back into what we were learning yesterday. But before we get started, we have a new student. Come on up and introduce yourself."

The boy walks to the front of the room. He looks nervous. Not a surprise there.

"Uh, hi. I'm Y/N. It's a pleasure to meet you all.", he says.

"Yeah yeah yeah. Go sit down."

"Um.. where?"

"I don't know.. just go sit next to Dee. Dee raise your hand."

You have got to be kidding me. I raise my hand. He walks over to the empty seat next to me and sits down. He looks over to me and gives me a friendly smile. He's seems nice, I guess. He better not be annoying.

3rd Person POV:

A little time has passed in class and Y/N is extremely bored. He's learned this stuff already. He didn't know how boring going over lessons that you've already learned was going to be. He reached into his bag and pulled out a small sketchbook. Sketching seemed like a fun way to make that damn clock tick faster. He wasn't skilled at drawing, he couldn't draw hands very well.  

Dee was also quite bored. The way the teacher taught the material was super boring. Dee's eyes wander around the room until they end up on Y/N's sketchbook page. He was drawing a logo of some sort. It didn't look familiar to Dee so it could've been personalized. The details on the logo were very precise, even the smallest of details. How Y/N was able to pull it off in such short time was unknown. Dee liked the look of it either way. 

Y/N POV:  

Man, my hand hurts a little. I'll finish it anyway. 



Look up. Everyone is staring at me. What did I do wrong?? The teacher had called me.

"I mean.. yes sir..?"

"Because you think that drawing is more important than this lesson, why don't you come up and answer this question?"

Oh shit...-

A/N: ... i am so sorry-  yeah i didnt get this one out in time. dont worry tho, im working on the next one. should be out tmr i think. thank you for 210+ reads on this shit. also thank you for the 4 followers, it means a lot :)

thats all from me, i'll see you guys tmr! adios darlings<3

(936 words)

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